@entity_101 i do not care if you don't need to know that. character abilities are not the only things comprising a story. if the man is cringe as fuck, his super cool epic smart brain is only going to enhance my distaste for him and his entire bloodline. never speak to me again.
your loss, usually characters like these are faking it just look at the MC from no game no life. It's also pretty obvious he only acts that way with ninim behind doors because he wants to keep his princely demenor
Thanks for continuing this. My favorite novel debut from last year and the manga helps with the withdrawal between volumes.
@BOTMAN They changed this in the manga so the reveal of why the Empire is moving comes in the next chapter. In the novel the spy info tells the reason why the Empire is moving their soldiers.
@ArisenDresden I think all of us don't need to know that frankly. Which begs the question why you feel the need to post it, even if you "don't care" that nobody cares. Don't speak to you again? Rather big man for hating a fictional character so badly you have to comment on his equally fictional bloodline.