Sousou no Frieren - Ch. 131 - Escape

Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
huzzah! it's back! just in time to fill the emptiness in my heart caused by Dandadan's hiatus! :win:
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2023
Wow, I still don't care about these people. I'm sure they're only back because the anime made them popular, not because they're interesting in any way.
The first popularity poll came out in 2022...well before the anime.

Land was in 12th and Ubel was in 13th (she got 4th in the second poll).

Out of 100.

The anime may have helped their popularity but they were already popular to start.

I also fail to see how Ubel, literally a complete anomaly amongst mages, isnt interesting. She's gone beyond the realm of imagination/visualization more than any character.

But this idea they were brought back only because of the anime is weird. Before the anime was a thing Methode came back, Edel came back, Denken came back. The exam was meant to introduced important players for the story going further, especially the ones who passed. Once we get further north we are bound to see Wirbel, Ehre and Scharf again.

Same as now its not the anime that would"force" the author to use them again, its planning from when introducing them they'd return down the road (...literally, as its literally down(or...up I guess) the road Frieren's party is going in Wirbel's case). Thats how writing goes.
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 11, 2019
Whats with the sudden fan service at the end..?
Now i demand Flamme.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2023
I live in a world where we had Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Spain, and currently have North Korea, the Russian Federation, and West Taiwan to rapidly name a handful of entrenched and historical dictatorships, while two cults battle it out for supremacy over the seat of ultimate power. Embezzlement, corruption, and jockying for authority while also appearing harmless are the foundation of success in them

you definitely dont have any deep History foundation considering that people were criticizing this plot the second it started this spy subplot for being "Freiren vs Generic WW2 Evil nation". Its particularly bad having podcasted through World War 2's The War Against Humanity series on youtube because, other then the assassination squad Freiren talked into retirement in the first chapter of this arc, The Northern Empire has been shown to be structured, organized, and operating exactly as The Angry Mustache Model's nation did.
You are legit making no sense at all, not surprising coming from someone who openly says something as embarrassing as "having podcasted" as if this gave you any credibility.
I live in a world where we had Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Spain, and currently have North Korea, the Russian Federation
And all these states had/have intelligence agencies/secret police forces that do not take lightly any aggression against the state interests. By comparing the Empire shown in Frieren's to them, you are simply proving me right, it is surprising that you can't realize this.
and West Taiwan
What is "West Taiwan"? I know only about one Taiwan. Yeah, you really do live in a bizarro world. Worrying.

The Northern Empire has been shown to be structured, organized, and operating exactly as The Angry Mustache Model's nation did.
Tell me what would happen to you if you were caught in Nazi Germany acting as a foreign agent. Would the SS just let you run away like what happened in this chapter? Of course not.

Also note that state authoritarianism didn't start on the 20th century, by having only WW2 powers as references for it, you are the one displaying a lack of "deep history foundation". Instead of "podcasting", you should study from better sources. Any powerful kingdom or empire from before the modern era would display similar traits.

Embezzlement, corruption, and jockying for authority while also appearing harmless are the foundation of success in them
These traits are not exclusive to dictatorships. I live in a democratic country and yet my country is considered to be one of the most corrupt in the world. Embezzlement is something done openly by politicians here since it goes unpunished.

Lastly, there is no point in drawing parallels with our world history, you can't affirm or dismiss a fantasy setting by doing that. The author has been establishing how the Empire works for a while now and so far did a good job, we can discuss purely with the information present in the manga itself, going "but muh WW2 states" is completely irrelevant and unrelated to the debate. What matters is what the manga shows, not real life. And if you insist on going there, this escape wouldn't have worked in real life. When people get jailed, they are searched for weapons and if they are carrying any, it is taken from them. Mages are walking weapons, they are dangerous, when you capture one, it makes absolutely no sense to conduct them like that, as I explained in my first comment.

I'm not wasting any more time debating someone who is incapable of following coherent lines of thought. Even making sense of your comments is hard. Go again appease to your emotional responses by "striking" whatever you don't like instead of engaging in well reasoned discourse, as it is easier to do that than to come up with solid arguments. You failed in justifying yourself.
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Double-page supporter
Dec 21, 2020
I live in a world where we had Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Spain, and currently have North Korea, the Russian Federation, and West Taiwan to rapidly name a handful of entrenched and historical dictatorships, while two cults battle it out for supremacy over the seat of ultimate power. Embezzlement, corruption, and jockying for authority while also appearing harmless are the foundation of success in them

you definitely dont have any deep History foundation considering that people were criticizing this plot the second it started this spy subplot for being "Freiren vs Generic WW2 Evil nation". Its particularly bad having podcasted through World War 2's The War Against Humanity series on youtube because, other then the assassination squad Freiren talked into retirement in the first chapter of this arc, The Northern Empire has been shown to be structured, organized, and operating exactly as The Angry Mustache Model's nation did.
Godwin's Law strikes again!

"Demons... I hate these guys!" - Indiana Frieren, Indiana Frieren and the Dungeon of Mimic Doom.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2023
Kanone literally went "sure, fuck it, not my problem" on a level that I can relate deeply to in my wagie soul.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2023
Godwin's Law strikes again!
not the first person to invoke it on Freiren. Not happy to have to invoke it on Freiren. and not happy to discuss anything involving it on Freiren, but that user apparently know nothing.

theres a reason i didnt bring them up in the first response. i wasnt thinking of them First and Foremost, nor am i unaware that the current internet culture, despite the ease of researching the topic, still treats informed viewpoints on the technical handling of that nation when invoked as an automatic "I lose this discussion"
Youre demanding and expect implicit competence. im just reading Freiren. I made the mistake of trying to talk to someone who refuses to learn history or international politics at a depth deeper then the synopsis on a site where discussing both is inviting a ban.

Denken was introduced as a corrupt political figure, and although given much development beyond that, confirmed that he behaved in ways fitting the expectations. Kanone is a counterintelligence spy. the actual nobles were shown forming a diet to specifically interpret the intent of the emperor and subsequently order freiren's execution.
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