So they reach a roadblock, try to find a way around the roadblock, fail, then it just falls into their lap. Exactly the same as those flowers.
And lazy elf is being lazy, as usual.
@Darketower : Their entire pattern of interaction has practically been predetermined from about chapter 2. Given Fern's lifespan wasn't arbitrarily timeskipped over like the original hero-party was, and she had been spending it alone with Frieren, it was only a matter of time until some young man was added to the story just to ensure that Fern doesn't live her entire life a permanent physical and emotional virgin. In the most predictable manner possible, Stark was added with a little excuse sub-plot to be the other mortal counterpart / LI for Fern. They're probably going to spend a long while just being passively tsundere or whatever and eventually get together... then there will be some other timeskip where they quit adventuring, settle down together, and Frieren will be off on her own with some other characters again.
I figure that will happen as the rest of this story has been pretty fuckin dull and predictable so far.
@Glomoro : KC's mother being sick is just one of those weird constants around any and all manga sites these days... forever set in stone and recorded for the ages against every translation they've bothered doing. In a hundred years I'll be long dead, and frankly my daughter probably will be too... and Kirei Cake's mother will still be sick. Thousands of years from now, humanity will have destroyed the planet and the last remnants of the species will be in stais on board a colony ship headed for some other star-system... and somewhere in the back of that ship... Kirei Cake's mother will still be sick.
Maybe it is about time she was put out of her misery.