Sousou no Frieren

Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
Why does this have such a high rating? I haven't read it yet but there seems to be some hype surrounding it. I don't read mangas with female lead much, so can someone tell me if this manga is worth it or not? I don't wanna waste my time.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 1, 2018
@Arin-san Yo wtf shouldn't the 9+ rating speak for itself? Are you really doubting it just because the protagonist is a woman?
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
@lfscruz No it doesn't speak for itself. The ratings in this site is so inaccurate and shit that shit itself looks better than the ratings in MangaDex, even MAL's manga ratings are better than MangaDex's manga ratings, and that's an insult to MangaDex. I can't believe that people are actually trust these ratings. Kaguya-sama, Mob Psycho 100, 3-Gatsu no Lion is nowhere near top 15, but a doujinshi of Pokémon is in the top 15, absolutely despicable. And I never said "Oh no the main lead is a female, that must mean that this manga sucks" I never said this. Do you know that most anime/manga viewers find anime as an escapism media they use to escape reality? Most of the time they tend to do this by projecting themselves on the protagonist. I'm one of them. I always try to project myself on the MC, I try to think like him, imagine myself as him and what would've I done in that situation. This doesn't only help me escape, but also gives me a better understanding of the story. All of that just vanishes when it's a female lead, I'm not picking on female leads, but I just cannot project myself onto them. That is my problem. I don't know why you find this so surprising? Do you know why people hate Subaru from Re:Zero? It's because he isn't like other isekai protagonists, he isn't a chad who just fixes all the problems of this world on his own, he also shows more emotions such as crying and stuff, with all these realistic qualities, people find it hard to project themselves on Subaru, people can't understand his situation, his struggles, and that is what lead many people to hate him even though I don't hate him because Subaru is best boy. Do you know why people like Solo Leveling so much? It's because the MC is an ultra giga chad, badass, cool and lone wolf, the MC is the dream of every power fantasy fan. Did you know that Isekai/Fantasy with female leads exist but not even close to the popularity of isekai/fantasy with male leads? That's because most of the target audience of isekai and fantasy are boys who are exactly the same as me, they have trouble projecting themselves on a female MC. All my reasons are completely valid, don't take my words in the wrong way.

@nitsuki The only one who's acting like an asshole is you, you can simply answer my question, or don't. It's pretty clear that you never intended to tell me how this manga is from the start, that's why you resorted to ad hominem.
Jun 1, 2018
@Arin-san TBH your response provides a lot more context for someone than your previous comment. Your first comment can comes off as a little ignorant, so I guess ppl became defensive but that's just imo.

To answer your question, I personally really like this series. This isn't really an isekai series like your comparisons, but purely a post-power fantasy. Since you project yourself as the MC, I doubt you'll find it hard to understand the female MC's perspective because of her characteristics. Her gender has no influence to the story and even if she had been a boy, people would still be able to enjoy the MC's adventure. It has a slow start, but really focuses on character relations. Give it 3-5 chapters, and if you don't like what you see then drop it. If you're curious how the MC grows, then stick around. Hope that helps!
Jan 24, 2018

this is a regular isekai whithout the isekai part, the main character is the strongest mage alive that can defeat easily any enemy. She's cold because she's a elf and everybody die to soon to her, so the first like, 10 chapters are boring as hell, is just worldbuilding and she finding feelings that she never knew she had. Theres no enemy, theres no plot, theres nothing, just a elf crying because she found out she cared about things.

After that it turns in a regular battle shounen that is far more enjoyable that the previous soap opera. The art is a 10, the writing is a 10 and theres not much you can complain. Even in the boring first chapters you'll still want to read because everything looks so well done that is a shame to drop.

To put simple, starts boring, it gets better. Its more of the same but is well done so it looks like a breath of fresh air. If you enjoyed far away paladin you'll probably enjoy this. Just don't drop in first chapters.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@Arin-san Being able to project yourself onto a character doesn't really make the manga universally better. If that was the case, everyone would just eat up every power fantasy to ever exist. But we don't. Some get 9 stars like Solo Leveling others get 4 and 5 stars. The main reason why people like Solo Leveling is a combination of a solid power system (as in the rules of the world aren't broken very easily), a protagonist that isn't super cringeworthy, and overall a really nice art style. Idk why you assume that the vast majority of people read manga for the same purpose you do. Sure we all want to escape from reality, but to varying degrees. It seems like you really want to project yourself onto characters and are assuming you are the majority. I rarely project myself onto characters, mainly because I rarely agree with any character's actions, I typically just try to understand them and their actions. I don't think you can objectively determine a manga's worth based on whether or not you can project yourself onto the MC. That's not really what the rating system is about. Its about the story that the author weaves and the interactions between the characters the author creates. That's what makes a good manga. Not trying to diss you here but if you are ONLY looking to project yourself onto a MC, its would be best for you to only read power fantasies or ones with upstanding/relatively flawless MCs. I don't read too many of them, but I'd probs say Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken is my favorite one. MC is pretty fucking chill and acts within reason, so its pretty easy for me to relate to him. He just has excellent morals and I love it. If you haven't read it I'd recommend you do. Another one you may like is Kaiji, if you can get past the super old school art style. Dude is a fucking gambling god and a gambling moron and its beautiful. Love watching him shit on people who shat on him. Idk if its on mangadex but it did get animated and it was pretty good. Other than that maybe just go to the isekai tag and look for something you like there.
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
@Podi125 Alright.. here we go again.

Being able to project yourself onto a character doesn't really make the manga universally better. If that was the case, everyone would just eat up every power fantasy to ever exist.
Here is your first problem, I never said universally. My method only applies to me, I never said "You have to project yourself onto a character", it's a "me" thing. And your second problem is that you think that people DON'T eat up every power fantasy to ever exist. I'm gonna give you some examples now, one of the most recent ones, Anos Voldigoad from The Misfit of DKA. The Misfit of DKA is such a generic story, the MC is just another flawless OP character, side characters are uninteresting, yet regardless of all that people still enjoyed the shit out of it. Objectively, it's such a horrible anime, but who cares about that? All that matters is how much you enjoyed it. People DO eat up almost every power fantasy, although there are a fair amount of elitists always preaching about objectivity, those are the people who bring down scores of these power fantasies, and that is why I don't trust ratings (Unless its a Japanese site like Anikore). Did you know that there are countless power fantasy light novels/mangas that never saw the light of an English translation, yet they are super popular in Japan and are doing pretty great in sales. Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry, another power fantasy with an OP MC, the anime was basically an advertisement for the source (The light novel) and turns out that the anime did really well and the sales of the source were boosted as a result, go MAL and you'll see Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry with a terribly low score. Gakusen Toshi no Asterisk War is just basically a re-skin of Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry, even me being a huge power fantasy fan didn't like it, but turns out, a lot of people did, A LOT of people, that is why it also got a second season as well. Statistically, people do eat up (almost) every power fantasy, of course, there are some truly hated and terrible power fantasies out there, like Kenja no Mago, even people from Japan hated that trash.

Some get 9 stars like Solo Leveling others get 4 and 5 stars. The main reason why people like Solo Leveling is a combination of a solid power system (as in the rules of the world aren't broken very easily), a protagonist that isn't super cringeworthy, and overall a really nice art style.
Oh please, just please, don't talk about ratings or stars, just.. don't. Why are you bringing up ratings anyway? Do you actually trust MD's ratings? Please tell me you don't. Let's just not talk about ratings. "protagonist that isn't super cringeworthy" Oh wow what a different way of saying "Gary stu", you can't deny this, Sung Jin-Woo is a Gary Stu, and always has been. "Combination of a solid power system" wait what? What are you talking about? The power system in Solo Leveling is very basic, even I can understand it after reading it once. Solo Leveling is a combination of a chad looking OP as fuck MC, the "Weakest to strongest" trope, the "Most powerful girl falls in love with the most powerful boy" trope, the trope of constantly surprising others with your insane powers, some great ass kickings and last but not least, a really good artstyle. That is what Solo Leveling is a combination of. Even after being this unoriginal, I and many others like it, why? Because of my aforementioned reasons. One person cannot be a representative, you are not a representative. Most SL fans you ask will say "I like SL because the MC is very strong!!!" and if you want to see it for yourself, then go make a post on r/SoloLeveling asking them why do they like Solo Leveling so much.

Idk why you assume that the vast majority of people read manga for the same purpose you do. Sure we all want to escape from reality, but to varying degrees.
I WILL assume that people read manga the same way I do, you know why? Because anime/manga is an escapism medium, almost all entertainment mediums are escapism medium. Now don't go ahead asking me "wHy aRe U aSsUmInG tHaT mAnGa iS aN eScApIsM mEdIuM" you can do a Google search right? So do your own research. Even now, I often see threads in Reddit like "Do you use anime/manga to escape reality" seriously, there are TONS of people that read manga the same way I do, TONSSS. And yes, they are the vast majority, they always have been. Otaku culture, anime tropes etc. etc. tons of shit to talk about, but I won't, cause this is a waste of time, and I doubt you'll even read all this.

I rarely project myself onto characters, mainly because I rarely agree with any character's actions, I typically just try to understand them and their actions. I don't think you can objectively determine a manga's worth based on whether or not you can project yourself onto the MC.
Ever heard the quote "You do you, and I'll do me"? You do you, and I'll do me. You can do whatever you want, I never stopped you, but that doesn't mean that I have to do the same. Looks like you took my whole comment in the wrong way, thinking that I'm ordering people to project themselves onto the MC, sigh... Different people have different ways to determine how good is manga, I have my way, you have your way, and it is only a mere fact that my way is the majority's way, but that doesn't mean that your way is wrong.

Not trying to diss you here but if you are ONLY looking to project yourself onto a MC, its would be best for you to only read power fantasies or ones with upstanding/relatively flawless MCs.
Off to the assumptions, are we? When did I ever say that I only like flawless perfect MCs? Did you skip the part where I said that I like Subaru? Does Subaru look flawless to you? No he isn't. Via projecting myself on him, I understood his struggles, I understood that he is in pain and everything he does, he has a rational reason to do, all of his mental breakdowns, everything, it's completely normal. Many people (not me) had problem projecting themselves on Subaru, that's why many people find him annoying, those kind of people are hypocrites, they'll shoot down a character for being too flawless, and they'll also shoot down characters who have flaws. My likings aren't only limited to OP characters.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 1, 2018
@Arin-san you write really well, you should submit that giant essay to a contest or something, I'm sure it would be more fitting than in a fucking manga website

Mar 24, 2019
@Arin-san Don't you dare talk about Sung Jin-Woo as if being powerful is his personality and just because he didn't get consumed by his new power or had any massive rage moment like most other shonen MC doesn't make him perfect

"Via projecting myself on him, I understood his struggles, I understood that he is in pain and everything he does, he has a rational reason to do, all of his mental breakdowns, everything"
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here but did you seriously claim that you understand Subaru's struggles? Like having to see loved ones die over and over again, getting mutilated by various beasts, suicide that kind of struggles?
If yes, then you're delusional, it's impossible to understand a character from a fantasy story because the events are impossible
You can't understand Subaru because you can't Return by Death, you can't understand Sung Jin-Woo because you will never have special powers and you will never fully understand any character because humans can't fully understand themselves

And as a final thought, nobody cares about your opinion on ratings so if you want to find out how good a manga is take some of that time you waste by "understanding" fictional characters and read the damn thing
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@Arin-san Bruh when I'm not gunna go point by point on this shit but I'll try to address some of the shit you mentioned. I can't address Misfit of DKA because I didn't care to watch it but I'm familiar enough with Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry to disagree with you on that bit. Only thing I like about it is that they don't pussy foot around the romance, considering he just straight up dicks her down in a couple of episodes. It's far less obnoxious than the traditional power fantasy so I enjoyed watching it.

Regarding the ratings bit, I don't trust the number, I trust the distribution. That gives me a far better feel for the manga's quality than the rating system because I agree it is shitty. I wasn't being super high effort with my response so I didn't clarify that bit. Not to mention, I'm sure you brought up ratings in one of your comments so you were the one who brought it up, not me.

Regarding Solo Leveling, you did not read what I said properly. When I called it a solid power system, I'm not saying its some HxH level shit. I explicitly stated that I meant that it didn't have any jarring power system breaks. An example of a jarring power system break would be Naruto when signs stopped being a thing half the time and people would just do crazy attacks without any windup. Power growth in Solo Leveling doesn't feel incredibly unnatural. Regarding the protagonist bit, I'm not saying he's a super well written character. All I said is that he isn't unlikable. And honestly in comparison to the 100s of cringeworthy protagonists out there, I'd rather deal with him. But yeah I would agree that the art carries the manwha the hardest. If it had shit art no one would read it.

Regarding the escapism part, I said yeah people use it to escape, BUT TO VARYING DEGREES. Not everyone escapes from reality via projection. And I didn't say that you were the minority. If I wasn't clear, I critiqued that bit because you were acting like you were the overwhelming majority which simply isn't accurate. You are using reddit threads as anecdotal evidence. Seeing a couple posts here and there doesn't make you the majority. I have never seen any of those types of threads, probably because I don't go out of my way to look for them. Anecdotal evidence isn't very valid when you use it this way. Also, I never said anime/manga wasn't an escapism medium so idk where you got that from.

Regarding my self anecdote, I get that we don't judge manga the same way. That was what I was trying to get across but I probably didn't make it clear enough. (And before you call me a hypocrite for also using anecdotal evidence, anecdotal evidence only carries weight when disproving universal principles.) Of course everyone has a personal rating that is based solely off the enjoyment factor. I'd rate something like Domestic Girlfriend a fucking 8/10 because that shit was fucking hilarious. But we should also be able to view works objectively. Objectively speaking, the show is straight doo doo water. Easy 4/10 or lower. I assumed we were talking about the objective ratings, because subjective ratings aren't debatable. You can tell anyone their favorite manga/show is shit and even if you are "right," no one is going to agree with you. There's a reason waifu wars exist. People can't debate subjective matters. It just doesn't work.

Yeah for the last bit I should have also emphasized the "if" to make it more clear. I wasn't sure if your intention was to only find manga where you project yourself onto a character so I said "if." Since that doesn't apply to you, I'll retract that statement. I forgot about you talking about liking Subaru.

Lastly, I'm not trashing on anyone's taste here so try to keep the tongue in cheek insults to a minimum. Let's keep this amicable, yeah?

Edit: Lmao I did end up going point by point on this. Ima dumb ass.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@R0lIxx Not trying to be rude here and if I'm wrong let me know, but do you seriously think that you can't reach an understanding with someone unless you are in their shoes? Of course you can't understand absolutely everything, because you haven't experienced everything that they have. But you can still understand a decent bit. Not everything, but enough to empathize with them. Like if a dude said his dad died, I don't know EXACTLY how he feels because I'm not him and the dead dude wasn't my dad. But, I can relate his experience to when my uncle died. Then with more context, you can gain a greater understanding of how that person feels. Of course I could never know EXACTLY how they feel, because a decent bit of those feelings would be too complex to be communicated, but I can still get a strong understanding.
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
@R0lIxx dude, you're trying too hard to come at me, it's really obvious. You're taking my words in the wrong way, I never said that I "feel" Subaru's struggles, "feeling" and "understanding" are two different things, come back to me when you learn to differentiate between the two.
"you can't understand Sung Jin-Woo because you will never have special powers and you will never fully understand any character because humans can't fully understand themselves"
Yeah this gotta be the stupidest thing I've ever heard today, lmfao. Clearly, you don't know what "understanding" means. So I'm not allowed to feel bad for all the innocent citizens who are suffering in Syria just because I don't feel their struggles? Stupidest shit I've ever heard. You can still understand how someone feels without actually feeling the same thing, you can have a little compassion. I have compassion for Subaru, the shit he goes through is tough, and because I understand it is why I don't hate him like others. Get your facts right man.

I can say the same shit you said to me, nobody gives a shit about your opinion? See? How easy that is? That's one of the worst comebacks I've ever heard. You're the most delusional one over here, assuming no one cares about my opinion, how pathetic. I'm pretty sure someone out there agrees with my opinion, so stop assuming bullshit. The world doesn't revolve around you, I don't give a shit if you care about my opinion or not, and I never asked you to.
Mar 19, 2020
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
@Podi125 Okay I'm gonna go off topic her, like waay off topic. Being a huge Naruto fanatic, I have to say this, first of all, Naruto has one of the best power systems in anime. Sure, it's really nothing compared to HxH's power system, but still it's a pretty neat power system. Naruto always had hand signs, I don't know what you are talking about. Even in the War arc, we see almost everyone use hand signs. And there are windups, like how they coordinated their attack against Kaguya and everyone. The Asura and Indra god thingy might come off as an asspull to you, but I swear it all makes sense.

And I absolutely agree with what you said about Domestic na Kanojo. I get that it's objectively pretty bad, but also enjoyable as fuck. To me, there are several kinds of trash, one of them is good trash, and another one is bad trash. For example, Domestic na Kanojo is good trash anime, and then there are bad trash anime like Boruto. There are always 2 types of trash.

And once again, I didn't say that those couple of Reddit threads prove that I'm the majority, that would be ridiculous. I only pointed out that these kind of threads keep popping up every now and then. I just merely took a right guess about me being the majority because of course like I said, anime is an escapist medium (just like any other fiction) and (most) anime fans tend to look for a way to escape from their shitty life, which is also one of the reasons why power fantasies are so popular.
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
@lfscruz How about you stop telling me what to do on the internet? Aight? It's sad that people nowadays can't read 5 paragraphs these days without thinking that it's an essay. Don't worry tho, I have a really high WPM and writing all that took no effort. And yeah, I do agree that this is a manga website, I never said that it's an anime website, the thing is, this is the general comment section, you do know why comment sections exist right? It exists for discussions, I'm trying to discuss here, you shouldn't give a shit if I write 6000 word essay or a whole god damn thesis paper. Don't wanna discuss? Then don't converse with me. As simple as that.
Mar 24, 2019
@Podi125 No worries bro, I didn't find your comment rude at all and you're right. You can reach an understanding with someone and you can empathize with them, as long as they are real. That is all I wanted to say and I'm sorry if I brought unpleasant memories.

On the other side @Arin-san, buddy, I never used the word "feel" so... yeah... your first paragraph is pretty much null in my eyes.
Regarding the second paragraph, we're discussing fictional characters, bringing up IRL tragedies... dick move (I hope at least that you always finish everything on your plate so the kids in africa won't starve).
You say you have "compassion" for Subaru? What happened to understanding "[...]all of his mental breakdowns, everything"? "All" and "Everything" are very powerful words.

Also, I may be delusional, who knows? At least I can admit it.
I think I said most of what I wanted to say so I will take my leave. Podi125, I apologize again if I made you uncomfortable and Arin... godspeed keyboard warrior, may our paths never intertwine again cause you are a pain.
Aug 25, 2020
People really writing out whole essays and on a manga that one hasn't even begun to read yet. Y'all are taking this waaaay too deep

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