I can imagine him doing, "It's just an illusion" or "bisected? Hah I reanimate myself" while the lizard then said, "Wtf?! What the hell are you?! You're not hooman!"Oh wow, the MC has just gone completely detached from reality hasn't he? I wasn't expecting his social skills to plummet to this level of idiocy. It's not as if he was without companionship for ages, and it's not as if three years of spartan training would suddenly override a lifetime of memories. Plus he was also previously a slave who was picked up and then betrayed.
This level of interaction, I wonder if the author's going to do some sort of "He was actually five steps ahead with trying to act aloof" kinda stuff, or if we're going down the "This guy is completely socially inept hur hur da joke ain't he relateable to you fellow NEET?"
Human hunter that eats humans with the name that sounds out to " Vegan " is hilarious 😂
Dude, just leave already, stop whining all the way, writing an article of your own bullshitery, you just quick to assume and judging. Stop it, it's cringe.Oh wow, the MC has just gone completely detached from reality hasn't he? I wasn't expecting his social skills to plummet to this level of idiocy. It's not as if he was without companionship for ages, and it's not as if three years of spartan training would suddenly override a lifetime of memories. Plus he was also previously a slave who was picked up and then betrayed.
This level of interaction, I wonder if the author's going to do some sort of "He was actually five steps ahead with trying to act aloof" kinda stuff, or if we're going down the "This guy is completely socially inept hur hur da joke ain't he relateable to you fellow NEET?"