Possibly a time-sensitive psa, but if you go to the english publisher's website right now,
they're letting people legally read the entire first volume for free! Give it a boost and leave some likes on the chapters in support! To read the second volume you need to pay, but it's SUPER cheap!! They sell each chapter individually for 100 coins each, and they do a special first purchase of $2 for 1000 coins. That means I was able to buy and read all of Volume 2 for less than $2. So go support the legal release of good yuri, either for free or cheap!! (Also still many thanks to Sexy Akiba Detectives for introducing me to this series and translating what hasn't gotten an official eng release yet T__T <3 )
I love Shimizu so much lmao she might be one of my favorite manga characters, like, ever

This series is so cute and exciting to read, and I'm excited to see how it goes!