Mediocre, nothing is executed well:
- The MC's special ability is literally going to make for the most boring fights. You always know what's going to happen, and it's going to happen the same way every time
- Characters are dull. MC seems deathly determined to "go with the flow", and all characters seem to exist merely for moving the plot forward. Maybe princess would have some character, but so far seems to exist to fill the pages . Good characters need their own time and space to develop.
- Generic world-building. No comedy. Nothing else to draw people in. Just completely straight rendition of "generic man just goes with the flow".
Someone mentioned it already went on "hiatus". Not surprised. Maybe the author should sit and think about what actually makes for a good manga. A lot of these fantasy manga are the manga equivalent of if your 12-year-old Call Of Duty obsessed cousin tried to design a game.