Yeah.. This is definitely a manga for Boobie fans... First chapter looks like
MC is some kind of strategist and maybe from a renowned family.. The girls are trying to seduce him I guess..
Although.. I don’t Understand Japanese so this can all be wrong but, that’s what it looks like from the raws...
Espero que no sea un simp mas que piense mas con la cabeza de abajo y le demuetre a las peras quien manda esas peras tramar algo quieren tu dinero e influencia asi que lloren peras LLOREN MUJUAJAJUA
Judging from the 1st chapter the MC isn't a simp which is a great indicator. I just hope this trash continues to stay like that, otherwise it'll be worse than trash.
This art was from Sanshoku Amido or Sansyoku Amido.
I thought that this it was different artist but it is the same art.
He is my favorite artist alongside momoko.