Sugar Girl Drip - Ch. 2 - The Scream Towards Freedom

Dex-chan lover
Oct 8, 2018
this chapter is heaven and hell lmao

This is actually a split chapter (2.1 and 2.2) in the original release, but I took liberty combining them into the whole chapter. I did read that you aren't supposed to split chapter if it isn't originally so, but I can't find any rules regarding the opposite. I just assumed it's okay. Do notify me if I shouldn't.

Also, forgot to add that as of now (May 30th) the latest chapter (part) on the official website is 4.1, the latest chapter I can access is 3.2.
I'll work on chapter 3 before long, and if I finish before chapter 4.2 is released (and becomes accessible, for that matter), I'll just wait for it first before working on it.
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Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
Oh so the abusers are both dead now. I hope the story won’t bring up more and more men trying to harm them and from now on it will be the ✨consequences✨ since the manager of the place this famous influencer works in disappearing is… concerning for the public. As in people will notice.

This dude making such videos is absolutely disgusting. Girl was 100% in the right for beating his head to a pulp in self defence ofc.

I wonder if it will get exposed that he did such a thing so people won’t miss him as much, but then Aki would become a suspect.

Anyways, I clicked on the second chapter because I wanted to be proved wrong (that it wouldn’t be stuff like s*xual violence going on and on against those two girls and that’d be what drove the plot) and so far it seems the first few chapters are setting the backstories for them, where they came from and why they are both people who got away with murder (killing individuals no one would miss and who should be arrested asap before they themselves would be killed by these subhuman creatures), I now wonder to where the story will develop to.

Since only 4 chapters are out and we can only check the 3rd chapter raws right now, I’ll put a pause on my “looks like it will be trauma p0rn” allegations and give it a chance.

Knowing the danger against these girls was eliminated (literally) makes it less worrisome and nightmare fuel-ish. Yay for Girl Power I guess.

Thanks for the work!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
Well I am just going to assume/hope he only tortured her and didnt rape her, cause if he did that, then I am just dropping it now
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2018
Anyway, seems like my previous comment was pretty spot on, see page 15
"She's so different from the current me, it's tiring me out..."
Marie sees herself in Aki, which for the first time, makes her Wish(tm) for something outside of oneself, pretty wholesome all things considered. Now that Marie defeated the thug through sheer power of determination, the story will continue with Marie teaching Aki to wish for her own sake, and Aki teaching Marie to wish for someone elses happiness, the status boyfriend Marie has might as well say his goodbies now :huh:

Though it won't be all smooth sailing from here, there's plenty of potential drama, for starters hiding the body and escaping the police, after that maybe Marie's dad coming back, I'm not sure he's dead, this chapter hinted that Marie rebeled against him, but previous hinted that someone is watching her abuse videos and it's not enough :worry:
Mar 13, 2018
This is actually a split chapter (2.1 and 2.2) in the original release, but I took liberty combining them into the whole chapter. I did read that you aren't supposed to split chapter if it isn't originally so, but I can't find any rules regarding the opposite. I just assumed it's okay. Do notify me if I shouldn't.
Combining chapter parts is both allowed and encouraged.
Oct 27, 2020
Thank you for the translation, I felt satisfaction when she kill the heck out of him and now I can continue to read without a fucker getting in their way and now for both of them heal from trauma they have gone through🧎‍♀️, I'm still going to guess there's more but this is enough to feel good from reading a chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 30, 2023
Aiyaaaa 😭

Literally all I can say after finishing these because gooooood lord. Starting from when he lead her to the back and she starting mentally preparing herself to "get it over with and go home" I was already getting nauseous and had to stop. Then I had to stop again when it looked like she was really about to disassociate and get raped while Aki's busted body was right next to her.

Couldn't even feel good that his melon got busted because of how much trauma it put Marie through to make sure she nor Aki could be victimized by him again. There's no catharsis, just a sense of "that's one danger down, where's the next?"

This is just so miserable rn. I'm used to this site tagging sexual violence for stuff as "light" as a nonconsensual kiss so I may have dropped my guard. Idk, I get they want to contrast the veneer of bubbly perfection in Marie's daily life with hesitant as I was to believe it to be misery porn, Aki was literally being filmed for torture porn. They couldn't be more on the nose.

That said, it's interesting that Marie says that Aki is so unlike the "present day" her. Obviously her cornered prey moment in the end explained that but I do believe it was the first time Marie acknowledged that she used to be like Aki.

Also the art looks like the love child of Dorothy (Aizawa-san) and whoever does Guy She's Interested in Isn't a Guy at All. Really interesting and visually appealing!

Just...aiya 😭 With all the ways to give someone a dark and miserable background, I just wish when women were involved it wasn't almost always the sexual abuse that authors reach for. Even done well, it's just so rarely necessary, and there's plenty of others ways to set the same tone
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Kind of hope they properly report this to the police, since he literally records the evidence of his crimes proving it was defense and she was in a deteriorated state of mind (purposely on his part), but clearly they wont, and it will be the driving plot behind the rest of the story.

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