Survival: S Boy's Records

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Well this is different than the original, like really different it could go anywhere from here.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
I don't get why they are walking during the day with the scorching sun, when they could walk at night when it's colder - they'll use up less water.
Mar 19, 2018
@criver It's extremely dangerous to walk during night in unknown and uneven terrain, they are too weak to risk any injury, there's nowhere to hide from the sun to rest, for them it's better to travel at daylight, even with the heat, and besides they probably don't want to miss any oportunity to find water or food.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@gvielma: I have done night hiking in the mountains so I know how "dangerous" it is. There are no trees either or any obstacles to speak of in their scenario, so if anything it is easier. There's no good reason for them to not walk during the night and sleep during the day - what they are doing is wasting valuable water, they are putting themselves in a greater predicament by walking during the hottest hours. There's also no reason to believe that they are more likely to miss a water or food source considering how wide the strip of land is. The best case scenario would be walking very early in the morning and later in the afternoon when the sun is weaker if you're worried about visibility.
On the other hand the author seems to be aware what effects walking under the sun can have if you're dehydrated. My younger brother started vomitting on one of our hiking sessions due to heat stroke. Needless to say, you want to avoid that especially when you're already dehydrated.
Mar 19, 2018
@criver: In a normal situation it would be relative safe to travel at night in a known trail, given that there's enough light from the moon.
That there isn't any trees is the problem, they could hide in it's shadow during the day, and they could travel by night.
And you have to remember that the "road" is constantly changing due to the earthquakes and with the low tide, it's probably a 3rd or 1st quarter moon, not enogh moonlight to see really well. They probably don't want to risk walking into a sinkhole or something, last chapter the protagonist fell into a ravine, at night that would end pretty badly for them.
And yes, best case scenario is walking at dawn or dusk, they should rest during the day, but there's nowhere to hide from the sun. It's a "we get cooked in this place, or we risk it and walk while we get cooked" situation.
Jan 23, 2018
Shes totally baiting him. Making that sort of comments twice in such a short time? Go for it my man!
Mar 22, 2018
This is sorta similar to a later arc in the original but there was no woman soldier and by then Satoru was alone for awhile. Though I can't remember if this plane was the same or if I'm just remembering wrongly.

This is interesting now
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
So... the doctor likes em young.

Here we go this is the meat of the series, humans being garbage this gonna be good! wonder how the military base will play into this in the original it was only a small team, but on this one even the girl has managed to survive.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 21, 2018
I didn't expect the new chapter would be cheerful. Well, nice chapter as always. Thank you for the translation.

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