Thought this was a nice story that sort of undermined itself with the semi-happy ending. It focused a lot on desire, both the danger of overindulgence and that it is a necessary component of humanity. But I think it got a little muddled as to what it was saying about this toward the end. It was only a background element, but I really liked Hyun's relationship with his family and the ambivalence there. Particularly, that he was genuinely wronged by them and hated them for it but also loved them nonetheless without them prostrating before him for forgiveness. Not that there was an opportunity to do so. The worldbuilding was a weakpoint but also largely superfluous to the story being told. Some of the side characters were a bit one note, but there was good development among the main cast, specifically Hyun and Hyuk. In all, a good read with decent drama, good horror elements, and a bittersweet story.