Tada Shiawasena Isekai Kazoku Seikatsu - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Looks like I've been reborn!

Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2019
This will definetly have the tragedy tag latar, all his loved ones will die due to bandits or a corrupt noble i bet
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
After the first pages, I had to check a few times if a 'tragedy' tag was included. Dude, if you hope to live peacefully, might help not raising so many flags...
Aug 25, 2020
I can only see two outcomes. FLAGS everywhere or just a happy slice of life and evil people are probably stupid
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Never seen a naked old man be reborn before, that was interesting and we'll done
Aug 15, 2020
I think this is the first time I've seen an accurate depiction of what it would be like to reincarnate as a baby. Well done.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 19, 2018
Why did his previous family have to act that way toward him? He worked, earned money for them and overall just did the right thing :(
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
hope he learns how to love a family after being a bad father
Active member
Mar 7, 2019
lmao neglectful absentee father and husband gets a clean second chance without having to do the hard work of making amends and rebuilding bonds with his wife and kids. let’s see how it goes!
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
damn this is just sad feel sorry for the old man :(
he works his ass off to make money and all he gets is a shit wife and bitch daughter who tell him you're not welcome here :mad:
Feb 24, 2021

I don't think being a bad father was the impression this was trying to give. He just had too much responsibility and couldn't spend enough time at home. By the time his kids grew up, he just didn't know how to act around them since he wasn't able to be a big part of their lives up til that point. He outright stated he loved them, and not a single thing it showed depicted him being a bad person in the least.
Aug 14, 2020
I HAAAATE how they drew him as a grownass man for most of that baby sequence it felt so WEIRD
Feb 5, 2021
Uwah. I get that he doesn't spend much time with his family but....the dude is literally the provider, isn't he? Being the head of six branches is not an easy task and the fact that he was chosen for that position means that his skills is acknowledged. Even if the father doesn't get to spend time with them, they should still respect him 'cause his literally working his ass off for them. What the heck is wrong with his family??? I would definitely want a father like him!!!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
thanks for the translation!

lol despite its weirdness, I sure like how they keep drawing him as a grown man even when he was a baby. I mean, he didn't even know he was reborn and hadn't seen himself in the mirror yet, so it makes sense for his consciousness to show his old self.

Also, I love how divided the comments are. Some are literally just bashing the daughter and wife because of two sentences. Some aren't really in favor of the father.
Honestly though, both are in the wrongs. He was a neglectful husband/father, at least neglectful enough for his own family to estrange him. Ofc I know he worked his ass off to provide for his family, but wow, not being able to choose between company or family?
His family sucks too. Why didn't his wife reach out to him more?? It's normal for children to be unable to connect with their parents so I can get it if his children dislike him. But even the wife seems like she had already given up on their relationship? This is why communication is important people.

I wish the author didn't isekai him like this though. I want to see the family mends itself back together!!
Like, instead of dying he ended up in hospital and doctors forced him to take time off work for at least X months. In those X months, the family finally had a chance to actually communicate and come together. The father learnt that the family loved him very much but they all misunderstood him: wife thought he was cheating with someone else in the company (which is why he couldn't choose between company and family); daughter thought he loved work more than his family and that he hated them for holding him back from achieving more; the son felt inferior to him, thought that he didn't live up to his father's expectations and the family being estranged like this is because of him.
Imagine the drama, the tears, the misunderstandings!!!!!!

God freaking damn it the more I think about it, the more I want to read something like that.

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