First, it's over a year since I last read this scanlation series, so I had to go look at my post, etc., to figure out what this was all concerning.
Solid agrarian economy: well, certainly looked like he was working on that, from what I can recall; I'll admit that aspect remains under his control, since I don't recollect fertilizers assemble on the other side being as effective as those imported through the gate even if chemically identical. If those with access to records concerning his ancestor can get everyone to realize that he's too valuable to threaten, that shouldn't be a problem for the duration of his life, and hopefully he'd have offspring who could also cross between realities raised up to follow after, but I'll concede this does make things a bit iffy for long term advances.
Power sources: like the water wheel which led to my initial comment, yes. Water wheels presume a reliable supply of water flowing past them, after all...
Mills: if you include powered mills for grinding grain... water wheels powered those as well as windmills did, if not more reliably, since the water flow if properly managed via dams, etc., could be regulated however and whenever you pleased, while windmills... no one controls when and how hard and from which direction the wind will blow; mind, that's why the sweeps on a windmill are on a mount which can rotate around the mill to always properly catch the wind, but when the wind isn't blowing, the mill can't grind. But there were a good many hammer mills for working iron which were powered by water wheels.
So, yeah, I still see the potential for an industrial revolution if anyone realizes the potential of water wheels as a power source in addition to a device for moving water and nobody messes things up by turning him against them.
My recollection of what was occurring when I stopped reading was the latter was starting to come to pass, as the village was being targeted by forces both external and internal to the Kingdom, and he was going to find out about that eventually, at which point... it would get ugly. Really ugly, would be my guess. He's very protective of the village, and especially of a certain lady there.
It's possible you were posting in agreement with me, and just expanding upon a section of what I posted.
It's also possible you were stating why you felt I was in error.
I'm not sure which, but so long as the discussion remains civil, it's cool.