Wow @
kah0922 much salt lol, take a chill pill bro.
Anyways Hatigarm scans will continue this series as we did but there will be some changes...
1st there will be 2 versions of our release, LQ and HQ.
2nd LQ is not low quality translations and shit its basically low quality early release raws that ReadManhua uses as well.
3rd HQ will be up in 1-2 days gap after LQ but there wont be much differences other than the image quality and dimensions.
4th if you guys really want early release why dont you see them on ReadManhua?
5th Sniping a series is only considered okay when the group which sniped it can provide better quality. (this case is up to you guys to decide).
6th We hold the publishing contract so we wont drop this series lol.
Ps: I love chat wars, peace out bois.
- M8E や, Hatigarm scans.