yeah for some reason I find myself reading in a backwards order to recap on what happened because of the filler of the
Also that reminds me, I subbed the preview video/trailer of the first chapter for this series:
There is a typo and a few errors but it's probably too late for that considering I regularly delete my old files. I do have the subtitle file with the fixes here in case anyone wants to upload to anidex or whatever:!waR1UQ4R!wlQFFoJJT6ZCDSSWv_5pqJQ0kXVsnhVQ7V35ol7GZRo
The only roles voice acted are the three main cast and kuroe (though she gets a very short scene being only the first chapter). Each voiced character has their own coloured text based on the colour of their hair.
Also, Apparently there was a page that was missed out too.
edit2: I just realised I did post the video link here before but it was in the chapter 1 thread in regards to the missing page transcript. Also found like 4 total typos so I fixed them in the mega link. Some of them were pretty obvious that I never picked up :S