@musicfreak12 But that depends on what you find hateful. For instance, some people despise the taste or broccoli, and others love it, and that's the same for almost any food. There are some people who even find chocolate disgusting. Some things might seem worse to you than to others.
In fact, it might not actually be as bad as you claim but you just making it worse for yourself because of your personal bias and feelings.
I personally hated The Rise of Skywalker, but the vast majority of people actually liked it.
We often view our own opinions as absolute facts and get mad when others don't agree with our opinions. Hell, people can be really hateful when something they dislike is popular (Twilight, SAO, Frozen, etc) and so complain about them as if they were the worst things ever, which, I personally think isn't right (if you don't like something, you should leave it alone and let the fans enjoy it).
And we also often forget that we aren't the target audience for these works. So our opinion might not matter to the author. If we had to pay for each manga we read like in Japan, we might not have ever even read this manga.