@rebel16 yoink could work probably but it seems a little too comical for me haha
Man does no one actually read the extra notes I have at the end
@GryphusOne she meant to say DNA, the author put a little note at the bottom of that page to clarify.
@Dagger has the right idea here, thank you
@Ariamcon I could be wrong, but I think he's just not gonna post to niconico for awhile because he doesn't like how he's only posting half a chapter on there (most chapters are around 18pgs, the entries on niconico are around 8pgs). He'll eventually delete the stuff on that niconico page and reupload with full chapters. So he'll still be posting to comic meteor like normal as far as I can tell.
Well anyways, he does seem to be doing a monthly release (every 3-4 weeks or so +- a few days) so expect the next chapter sometime in september at the latest.