no, they piss me off. we don't live in a theocracy, we shouldn't even have religion anymore. yet those mfers are not only undoing alot of previously held equal rights we had (please take a look at how women are treated under majorly muslim dominated countries and tell me if you think the same feminists who campaigned for voting rights would aprove). there's also a major difference between those who sucessfully integrated (for example, the guy at the corner store who runs it and is almost always open, speaks french fluently and is a cool dude) and those who saw all the negative stereotypes and decided to learn from it while screaming discrimination when a cop looks at them a bit more often than anyone (the same group that threatened to burn everything down yesterday, the religious ones who would have 5-10 years ago joined isis because immigrating wasn't the utopian lie they've been told and now they have to put up with a different culture, an entire subgenre of familly type, well known by the teachers in france, of familly with like 3-4 childrens, who's parents don't give ashit about their kids, as such they grow up as irredemable troublemakers, of course the parents thepselves doesn't speak french, as such its the job of the oldest kid to threaten the teacher whenever something bad happens instead, and I could go on and on about the bad ones who do exist).
all that to say, not all immigrans are created esual, that's cause every human is born different, it seems as though, some people are born and taught a basic sense of civility and hard work, that doesn't seem like an unreasonable statement to me, yet if I say that this notion also applies to migrant, I'm suddenly the bad guy ?
idk man, it seems as though one side tells me there's barbarian at the gates and the other tells me that I shouldn't even look towards the gate in the first place.