Guys, excuse my language but I almost had a heart attack. It was the worst panic attack I've ever had. I've been sick lately, and I don't know what it was. Me and my family were enjoying a good start to vacation, finished last week's Landman episode, started winding down. I eat a bowl of chili, sit back.
I tell you I do not wish what I felt on my worst enemy, and any person in this world, I have never been so scared in my life. Family was there, took me an hour or so to finally calm. You see i've been feeling this pressure on my head for a few days now, I thought it was my glasses, dehydration. Whatever it was.
But, holy shit man... We've been doing this diet see, where we eat like 3 or four small meals, a protein, veggies, and that's it, maybe a carrot or so for a snack. And on a saturday, we let loose.
I let too loose, I can promise you now, I do not want to drink a soda, or let loose ever again. I am the world's biggest fan of Coca Cola but I will forever be scared of it, scared of Pepsi (and Cardi B for that tongue roll thing), and Dr Pepper.
I may be over exaggerating but, maaan... I really thought I was gonna die. it was a good day too, for the first time in a while, we were all just talking about things we liked and I just opened up, started talking with them, it was a good day.
Guys, Gals, In Between, whatever, I know I am the most overdramatic bunghole this side of Texas, but shit, I want you all to know I love you all, and hope you have a good day, night, holiday, new years.
Thank you. Really, I know, what did yall do? Just thank you, thank you. Good night. Wherever you are, whoever you are, know that things are only going to get, tougher, but I know you will to. Always look for more, always strive to learn, strive to know, never hit a peak, be Sisyphus, never reach that top, enjoy the climb. Once you're up there, you're alone, so if you do find it, look for something else as quick as possible. Never stop, whoever you are, you are beautiful, you are important, you feel small sometimes, make mistakes, that's fine, it's okay. List--- Read these words, not a thing in this world is perfect, no person place or thing. Not a single iota is perfect. not even the word, not even this. But, you know what makes something beautiful, magnificent? That want, that knowing that you're imperfect, that you'll never know everything. Once you realize that, so much will open, and you keep going, keep exploring, you do that, you are beautiful. Humans are beautiful, because even though everyone says it's impossible, we say "fuck it" and try.
Whatever you've done, whatever you've lived through, suffered, endured, loved, hated, you're here now, and I want you to know you are beautiful, never stop, don't you ever stop, don't. It's always gonna hurt, sure that pain doesn't go away so quickly, but... you only lose when you stop, and as long you live, you can keep on going, no matter who you are, what you look like, where you are.
Anything can happen, just keep going, keep learning, never stop. Relish life, relish that moment when you think you have nothing, realize you have time, and you have that time to do something. Relish those around you, those you love, adore, hold them close, let them know you love them.
Lads, Lasses, In between, I'm a God-Fearing man myself, but no matter whether you believe or not, we only get one life on this here plane. Do not for a moment take for granted what you've been given.
You don't know what life means? Find it, look, don't stop until you've found it. Love you, bye.