My bad, I should've included that it teaches submission to authority. Not respecting authority, but rather submitting to authority. As well as exerting authority to then expect submission to that authority. Or in other words, it makes the child submit to violence to then expect others to submit to the child's violence when the child mimics that behavior, which is then perpetuated throughout their life.
that's not really the case tho is it?
Asian culture always had spanking as a form of discipline and you're mixing "violence" and "discipline" an asshole parent would just spank without telling them what they did wrong and where they fucked up or wouldn't even bother asking them why do they think they were spanked and if they get it wrong wouldn't correct them and wouldn't point what it is exactly.
a good parent, spanks their kid, tells them what they did wrong and the consequences of their actions along with why they shouldn't do it again
these 2 are never the same
there is ALWAYS a proper way to spank your kid and an ample amount of force necessary to discipline a kid, not everything is black and white and is as excessive as you think
also again there's still the fact that here, in Asia, this is done to a large majority of us and a large chunk of people aren't school shooters or criminals that pass that onto others
majority of crime in the world is caused by the economy being too hard and them thinking there's no other way to get out of the dump they're in, not because of parents disciplinining their kids, sure there are some kids that probably grow up to pass pain to others because they were abused, that's not the same as the people disciplined properly by their parents by way of spanking.