Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata wo Tatakioru

Double-page supporter
Jun 12, 2018
I'm kind of ironically happy to see so many readers agreeing that the knight can fuck off. He's like, too vanilla to be fun, but too old not to be creepy af. Worst of both worlds. Literally *every* other ship is better (the magician boys, her brothers (...what?), her dog...I mean, her masochist bodyguard, later fun and interesting characters, and oh yeah that nice vanilla noble kid almost forgot about him).

The real spoiler will have to come from someone who has read beyond the English-translated WN, but so far on the English-translated version:

She's still crushing on the knight who still looks like a main love interest, but spends most of her time doing other things like going on missions far from home being her usual The Princess self and acquiring the loyalty and love of strange people. The knight is shown to care a lot for her in a protective manner, but if he's in love with her then it's only at best sorta-kinda hinted. Other characters are more straightforward about their admiration/love/respect for her. I still hate him, especially since their interactions seem to trigger her inferiority complex while she's a much healthier person dealing with pretty much everyone else except her father. However, his screentime is relatively little so I still enjoy reading it. So far. The moment he turns full pedo I'll fucking murder him.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2018
Lutz is a pretty cute pairing for her, I feel like i'd prefer that. She has a lot of relationships that are more interesting than the wistful admiration she has for the knight captain right now, though I'm curious to see how the manga is going to develop him, if at all.

It's an interesting little story, I find it kinda charming. The main character has her motives, but she's pretty emotionally tangled in everyone and everything around her, and she can't really help but be - initially i thought she'd be more by the books or casual due to the whole reincarnation device, but it's not really the case. It's like, not a dumb manga, the entire thing with the knights being on lookout for the kidnapping and planning around it was fairly well thought out as a serious event and a dramatic plotline for our main character and the immediate cast.

I don't feel like she really behaves all that childishly or was foolish per se in not delegating things to people, but in the end she is living through childhood again, and she's limited by her circumstances. It's not like she can just explain that she knows what's going to happen in the future, that'd be far less convincing than however else she might wish to handle things - and even so, other characters HAVE noticed that she's highly insightful and fortunate due to it, even if they can't see the cause. I do hope she grows to consider the aid of others around her more. I think it's a nice detail that the people around her actually care so much, broadly, each in their own way.
Mar 30, 2020
I hope the Fl ends up with Lutz. Tbh , that knight dont really shows up often enoigh and he is boring. I perfer the princess with Lutz better.
Apr 3, 2020
I'm 90% certain she's not going to end up with the Knight Captain. Literally every other character gets more development than him, even in later chapters with new characters. The brothers are also out since she isn't a bro-con. The original fiance is too vanilla and doesn't show up much. The masochist is no good for obvious reasons, since she is both unwilling and unable to give what he desires. Between Theo and Lutz, Theo had less development, so out of all the characters revealed in the comic so far, Lutz is the strongest contender. Of course, this has the harem tag, so it's more accurate to say there's a very good chance there ISN'T a male lead. People are falling in love with her left and right. In a comic like this, the end result is usually to end without her making a choice. I'll be impressed if that's not the case. But if it isn't, then it's definitely Lutz.
Apr 30, 2020
There are 138 chapters in English and 201 raw chapters of the novel available on novel updates. The story was too good for me to wait :v Go check it out if u want it’s totally worth it!
Mar 21, 2020
I'm gonna read this if she only ends up with Lutz. Rading the novel I like him much more rather than the knight.
even if she really likes the knight I just don't want her to end up with him . the knight's pretty shallow like and not interesting at all. Though so far reading the webnovel there doesn't seem to be much romance going on.
Jul 25, 2020
These last 10 years mangakas/novelists really dropped in value huh?! They're basically copying each other while changing just enough to make it slightly different. Sad.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
Hope the knight Leon or whatever his name betrays her or something just to spice it up.
This ones pretty boring after all.
Jul 10, 2019
Getting really uncomfortable with that physical age gap. The knight is also painfully boring. If he’s gonna stay the main love interest for her, I’ll have to do a hard pass on purchasing any of the volumes.

I appreciate the effort that went in to translating this though! Hope y’all have a great day.
Aug 26, 2019
All this info is uncomfortable af. If the knight is the real ML then I'm dropping this.
Jan 12, 2020
would this manga have bitter sweet ending like, "princess looses her life to save demon lord and other guys fighting, ultimately dubbed as a human who saved dreadful war? aftr that she returns back to her world with satisfaction of saving ppl". it would be really good ending for me
Oct 11, 2019
Please let's just say that she admires Leon 😅 and not love. That age gap seems to be huge judging from the art of her height and size
Aug 10, 2020
Everyone should just chill out. If you're gonna drop the manga when THE MAIN STORY HASNT EVEN STARTED YET, then go ahead. Go ahead and miss out on other even better characters that'll appear, miss out on the FL taking charge and working with her father the king, miss out on her impacting her kingdom and changing her villain destiny, miss out on all the other bonds with her brothers and family, miss out all for the ONLY shallow reason FL has no feelings for your precious Lutz, someone who she sees as a little kid and a minor character at best.

EDIT: and no, this ain't pedo, knight WANTS TO TURN HER DOWN but FL says to wait. So nothing illegal, it was all FL.
Aggregator gang
Feb 19, 2020
Deciding if I should read... Is this a harem or reverse harem? If the MC is a chick then I assume reverse right?

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