@Dragonfirewings I read a shit ton of fantasy comics. A lot of them are pretty trashy but still enjoyable because they have things like great art, interesting characters, compelling plot, or good world building. This has none of those redeeming qualities. This is objectively bad like how Empress Theresa(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TedsiCaV2B4) is objectively bad. There are so many other fantasy manga you could read that are worlds better than this one. I can't see why you would waste your time on this one.
@redmage the series has literally just stated, of course it's not completely perfect like you want it, with lots of world building and lots of interesting things, however just because it doesn't exactly line up with your tastes doesn't mean it is terrible
It is one chapter in and already promises some great potential right off the start. The author seems to know how to draw—it seems like a problem of adding details, however.