Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - Vol. 13 Ch. 60 - Prerequisite of Hope

Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
@Suisuigo The manga follows the light novel version, not the web novel one. While this arc is great in the web novel, it's actually even better in the light novel. It's in light novel volume 5.

@steeivevonbeevie The Ord Disaster was a Demon Lord, but had yet to evolve into a "True/Awakened Demon Lord". For example, the Beastman Demon Lord also has a Demon Lord seed (fullfilling the many conditions for the seed to form within the soul makes you evolve into a normal Demon Lord. Then, if you add 10k human souls, the seed sprouts, evolving you further to a higher Demon Lord evolutionary rank. That's the "True/Awakened Demon Lord" thing.
A similar process happens for Heroes, though the conditions to acquire the Hero's Egg within the soul are different. Then, there are also different conditions for the Hero's Egg within the soul to awaken, which would then make the evolve into a "True/Awakened Hero" (and stop aging).
Leon Cromwell is a "True/Awakened Hero." Hinata is a "Hero" candidate (she doesn't have a Hero's Egg yet, but is close to gaining one). Kenya (kid from the academy who was temporarily possessed by a Spirit of Light) has the potential to one day gain a Hero's Egg. The person who sealed Veldora is also a "True/Awakened Hero".
Also, just to clear up some possible confusion, most people in that world don't know the difference between a normal "Hero/Demon Lord" and a "True/Awakened Hero/Demon Lord," so they call them the same thing.

Edit: @Hamin Humans can evolved, it's just that they do it differently. There are 3 evolution paths, if you can call them that.
The first is a mage becoming a Majin (magical being), like the witch Myulan who used to be human. However, becoming a Majin is a bit different from a normal monster evolution and it's not only humans who can become Majins, but also monsters and demi-humans. Becoming a Majin isn't a literal evolution (though it can be done through evolving for monsters), but it does change your body to its core. You're no longer human after that and you no longer age.
The second is when a human's Hero's Egg awakens, with them becoming similar to Majins in that he/she will no longer age and that it changes the way the body is to its core, but the main difference is that the body will be full of holy energies rather than full of highly concentrated magicules (often of demonic nature). Another difference with Majins is that a True/Awakened Hero is at the same height of power as a True/Awakened Demon Lord.
The third is a bit of a spoiler.
This third path is actually a real evolution path in that world. I didn't say it above since it's a spoiler, but humans do evolve in that world, it's just a lot rarer and far more difficult than to become a Majin.
There are 3 evolutionary stages for the Human Species. It goes from Human to Human Sage to Human Saint.
A Sage has power equivalent to that of an Arch Demon and has a high longevity, normally being able to live for hundreds of years at most,
but the strongest one has been alive for over 2000 years, but in his case it's because he's also a Hero(the normal kind)
A Saint has power close to that of a True/Awakened Demon Lord. They also do not age.
All of the top ranking Templar Knights under Hinata are Sages. Hinata herself is a Saint in plus of almost having a Hero's Egg.
Do note that this info about these characters is for how it is at the current point of the manga in the story.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
@WingZeroHeeroYuy About the mask:
The mask he gave to Chloe doesn't return to Rimuru, but Rimuru has analyzed the mask, so he can create more. They just won't be THE mask that went from hand to hand.

@Amizer About the evolution of the dead dragon, it was because of the bond between the soul of those two. Milim inherited most of her father's soul energy, and that dragon is the rest of the energy that Milim didn't get at her birth. So it's similar to the naming of monster creating a hierarchy of the souls, with all of them being connected. Then, there's also the other incredibly important aspect without which the evolution post death likely wouldn't have happened. That is to say the desire for the lost one to be back. The intensity of that desire along with the feeling of lost of that one dragon being the only thing going through Milim's mind while in complete berserk state. The very state she was in when she took in those souls and evolved into a True/Awakened Demon Lord, and she was only thinking about that during the evolution.


Apr 25, 2019
after killing 20k humans rimuru became a god and killed everyone who tried to make new isekai
Aggregator gang
Jan 21, 2018
Well, you know what they say: poke the bull and it will throw you its horns...or something like that. Hopefully its gonna be a nice slaughtering next chapter.
Jul 1, 2019
Very informative, but you didn't quite get all the things right.

Regarding Great Sage:
It's not the "downgraded form of Raphael", since Great Sage is as it is due to mutating based on Rimuru's desire to have a conversation partner back when Rimuru was still freshly reincarnated as a "blind" Slime.
Unique Skills and Ultimate Skills are both basically collections of lesser Skills combined with a strong will/ego/desire and a bunch of the energy. But the "collection of sub-skills" can change, as seen when Great Sage took Predators's "Analysis" for itself in LN vol. 2, or for Ultimate Skills, when the prediction/precognition ability from LN vol. 7 was added to Raphael (as can be seen in the vol. 8.5 Databook), in other words the Skills are pretty dynamic and they aren't lesser/higher version of each other (at least not between Unique Skills and Ultimate Skills, unless it's an obvious case of an upgrade like Gluttony -> Gluttunous Lord Beelzebuth).
The "Virtues" and "Sins" series of Ultimate Skills are just the better known ones but not the only ones, but there are different combinations to reach them. And I am just saying, but gaining the same Ultimate Skill as someone did in the past does NOT mean that the person who obtained it is a "reincarnation" of the individual who had it in the past, if that's what you were implying.

Regarding Ramiris:
I don't think she is the "Spirit of Light". Aren't the "Great Spirits" just mindless entities that are the manifestations of the concepts of the world (though I might be mixing up WN/LN lore here)? I think the "Spirit Queen" is a seperate entity from that.

Regarding Hero Eggs:
I remember reading something about how the Hero system was changed and that unlike the WN, the "Hero Egg" stage doesn't exists in the LN or something like that. I mean in LN vol. 7, unlike the WN, Hinata did NOT gain a "Hero Egg" during her second fight with Rimuru, so that seems quite possible.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2019

I already knew about those human roles although I will admit I forgot about that when I made my explanation. Still, it's distinct since it's not an evolution line but a job system which plenty of RPG series employ. In RPG systems those human jobs/roles are the ones that change and evolve, not the human themselves. It's still different from a monster who changes their race.

At least that's how I understand it since so many other series employ a job system for humans. However, there is an interesting point to note and that is about 2 individuals who work for rimiru.

adalman and Albert. Both had some powerful jobs when they were still alive. But then at their death they actually in the monster sense evolved into undead king and undead knight.

So humans can cross over to the evolution system and you're probably right, the distinction I was trying to make isn't true.

I'm not saying for a fact that the job vs evolution system is the reason why rimuru doesn't use monster souls but just a speculation as to the reason.

Also, I'm so happy to see so many WN/LN readers and having discussion. Back when I read through the WN I couldn't find a place to discuss it with others. Keep up the convo lads!
Jul 1, 2019

There is no "job system" in the RPG sense. One of the key-aspects of the power systems is your "magicule affinity". If it's neutral, then you are likely more susceptible to them.

If you have a pro-magicule consitution as a human (e.g. Razen and Myulan) then you'll turn more demonic and are more resistant towards magicules and can utilize magicules better though if you remain as human, then you'll likely needs some medium and equipment, like a wizard staff to use it because the body, while being able to utilize magicules, cannot "store" them. If you go all the way and become a Majin then you can directly use magic and even store the magicules in your body and you become very resistant towards high concentrations of magicules.

If you have an anti-magicule constitution as a human (e.g. Hinata) then you'll eventually become a Sage and are also very resistant towards magicules. This side also generally more compatible with spirits/elementals than the demonic side (though those with demonic affinity can still use Spirits and Spirit Magic, it's just less common). Sages also can utilize "Holy Magic". If they train far enough they can learn the spell "Disintegration", one of the most powerful magics in existence that has Space-Time traits and is even more effective against Monsters.

Monsters have a pro-magicule constitution by default and they are basically dependent on it, which is why monsters don't neccessarily run amok all over the place but mostly remain in areas with high magicule concentration. Monsters with intelligence are able to use magic too and have a high affinity for it (the base Kanji for magic has the double meaning of "magical" and "demonic", so this is a Japanese Mythology thing). Majin's are those with strong magicule affinity that have a humanoid form and can either be humans to turned themselves into Majin (or forced to become one as part of someone's experiment or being turned into a Vampire and such), but also come from monsters having a human-transformation/mimic ability like Rimuru (in his human form he IS basically a Majin) or are so from birth, e.g. Ogres, Lycanthropes, etc.

Now one big difference between humans and monsters are "Skills" and "Arts".

Skills are abilities that are inscribed into the soul and are instintively usable with no training neccessary (though application, efficiency, and creative use still have to be trained). Monsters are usually born with innate Skills and they are also able to gain new Skills easier than Humans, because they can eat other Monsters to permanently increase their magicule capacity (much, much less efficient without a specific Skill for that, like Predator) and then use up that magicule capacity to gain new Skills (this process usually can't be consciously controlled though and you don't know how to get a Skill unless you stumble upon the conditions by accident or someone else tells you). However there is a limit, which is the Soul. Souls have a capacity for Skills, depending on how many Skills are available. Humans generally have much stronger and purer Souls than Monsters, so ironically Humans have better capacity but a hard time filling it with Skills, while Monsters can get Skills easily but also easily reach their capacity limit.

Arts on the other hand are abilities with no short-cuts. You ALWAYS have to learn them from scratch. Humans specialize in this since it can be learned through repetitive practise, but monsters can learn them too if they are intelligent enough. The manga kind of skipped this whole part of the lore, unfortunately. Utilizing one's Aura and transforming it into "fighting spirit" to strenghten the body is art. Hakurou's and Gazel Dwargo's "Haze" is an Art too. Same with Shion's "Ogre Cannon" that she charged up but had to have Rimuru absorb with Gluttony during the Beastman Diplomacy arc.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
20 thousand human souls
Imagine the size of the Philosophers stone from that
Active member
Apr 2, 2019
Did you people see that Crusades no matter the Beliefs always ends bad?

this about to be good
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Rather convenient,
there's incoming sacrifice.
Begin the slaughter.
Aggregator gang
Mar 3, 2018
@GaryMahmud From Christianity point of view, the Crusades were against God will from the beginning, so yeah, most of the people who participated in them and didn't redeemed themselves before their death are probably in hell.
Apr 10, 2018
I fucking hate the direction this series went in at this point in the LN. Spoilers ahead

The author is a fucking coward god I fucking despise shit like this, seriously. The author literally makes it so all the mc's friends are invincible by giving the mc a power to infinitely revive his friends from death. All tension fucking evaporates, I dropped this shit so fast after reading that garbage arc.
Fed-Kun's army
May 5, 2018
@SoapYn so I'm guessing, basically you came here to persuade people to drop this like you did because you wanted to feel relevant? If that wasn't your intention, I don't know why would you even bother to came here and posted a rage comment when you hated it so much.

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