@Mrxyn of course I read before this chapter, but I’m reading more than one thing, watching shows/movies, and have to remember other stuff. Plus there’s months in between chapters and depending on how far back you go years. I’m not going to remember everything and personally the way I remember stuff is based on how much I cared or thought it was important at the time (I’ve forgotten a lot of names and it’s kinda awkward when they know mine). I vaguely remember Freya at the demon lord meeting a long time ago, but I pretty much forgot everyone there except for Milim. Either I didn’t care or it’s been too long, or both. I don’t usually like bingeing, but it’s the only way I avoid this (unless they were that forgettable I forget them in seconds). For certain series I’m reading/watching I’ll go back and rewatch if a character reappears that I forgot, but only if I feel particularly lost or care enough. For something like this with so many chapters, I’d have to go through them randomly which I don’t care enough for. I’m not that lost in the main plot so I don’t feel like taking the effort. Also thanks (if you weren’t being sarcastic; I can never tell on the internet). Honestly (as you can tell), I really don’t know how NOT to write a wall of text (I tried twitter once and just ended up infinitely replying to myself to continue). Kinda a problem actually....