Twist? I mean, they weren't subtle with her design being very "royal" coded from the start, so I'm not the least bit surprised, and once they had the meeting with all the girls it was pretty much locked in. Still, obvious but fun way to end it all, I'm sure Girold will have to save everyone from something somehow, but I'm curious what the next big bad that stops him from going all the way will be.Nice story twist.
Excellent tits as well.
It would have been good had there been more hints. I went back skimming over the entire arc and the noble party where Gaspani was initially introduced again and the only thing I found was Christie making the noble lady who tried to hump Girold after the photo session back down meekly after whispering something to her in chapter 28.Nice story twist.
Deus ex Machina.Told you, only another royal or noble can solve the matter, so predictable.![]()
sadly, it's canon that there's nothing but bad stories circulating about him. So I doubt crashing an island's value will affect his position, as his reputation is already rock bottom.I really was hoping the Duke was gonna kick it.
But what would've been absolutely hilarious would be if everyone on the island proceeded to pack up and leave, thus reducing the worth of the island to zero and the royal capital learning that the island promptly went out of business because Duke Gaspani bought it, and his reputation in society is crushed for being the noble who ruined a perfectly good resort.
Meanwhile, everyone has moved to another location and made it super popular instead, attracting the royal capital nobles there instead.