Tensei Youjo wa Akiramenai - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

Active member
Mar 14, 2020
dunno man, she dont even talk about it yet with the surroundings about her problem.. it's sad but at the same time it's kind of shitty too. she dont even know if the medicine thing is right or wrong lmao
Sep 30, 2020
I wanted the dragon to be her personal dragon... But no.

Thanks for the scanlation.
Dec 15, 2020
@Insanityprism i still think she deserves it. Like i said, it wasn't just her life she was putting at risk, it was everyone's. She was going to die anyway, including her family. Do you really think they would've let them live as potential witnesses? And yes, she would have trusted the duke because she has seen first hand how he's changed. Heck, she didn't even have to tell him directly. If she had opened up to one of the maids, specifically the head maid or Butler, something could have and WOULD have been done. She is the beloved lady's nanny. Do you really think the duke would let his precious daughter's caretaker stay in debt?
Dec 15, 2020
@Insanityprism also, when I said she's putting everyone at risk i meant it. Just as the knight said, if something were to happen to the duke, it puts the country at risk. If mc was to die that just means there's one less person to protect the country. On the off chance that something happens to the father, the son would have to bare the weight of the country on his tiny shoulders, assuming he even has the potential to. Of course WE know nothing's going to happen to the father, at least nothing too detrimental, but they don't. Anything can happen in their world. Her doing this not only makes no sense, its also a great loss to the country.
Apr 22, 2020
Kk. I bet the whole situation about medicine and all those letters were forged. We'll see [I hope] if I'm right.
Jul 10, 2019
I think the letter and medicine were a lie too. Way too convenient for the kidnappers.

That said, wow. People don't understand how blackmail works at all.
"Oh, no. I'm being blackmailed. Let me tell someone about it. Like the totally uncaring Lord I work for."

Most modern day people don't respond to blackmail like that. In a medical era, the response would be even worse. Hannah has one shot to save her family, so she took it, even if she didn't like it. Her fellow servants wouldn't be able to help, and everyone still thinks the Lord is cold and distant. Why would she turn to them?

Yes, she committed a crime and ruined people's lives. However, she's not a villian or a morally absent person. Yeesh.
Oct 23, 2020

[ul]Try reading this, @icekatze captured our point excellently. [/ul]

Okay, looking over the situation again.

Legally, Hannah:
• Commits a crime with explicit quid pro quo, was at the scene of the crime and initiated the physical act.
• She knew what she was doing was criminal. She had the mens rea.
• She was a best, a principle in the second degree, and at worst a principle in the first degree.
• The only thing she was being threatened with was inaction. Legally, that cannot count as duress because not doing anything to help is not a crime.
• The other perpetrators did not have undue influence over her, as they were not in her command hierarchy.
• In the USA, people between the ages 15 and 17 can be tried as an adult if the crime is serious enough.
• In the middle ages, children over the age of 7 would be treated as adults if they committed a crime. A time when people could be hanged for poaching, let alone kidnapping the feudal lord's child.

Ethically, Hannah:
• Was not in a zero sum situation.
• Did not seek help, and expected to get away with the crime right up until she was grabbed as well.
• Did not discuss with her family.
• Was not pressed for time to make a decision.
• Endangered her entire family with her actions.

Teens are capable of intelligent behavior and heroics. Hannah's actions are stupid and evil no matter how I look at it. If I were judge, jury, and executioner, I'd sentence her to lengthy rehabilitation and not allow her to work with children again. But statistically speaking, once she pulled the metaphorical trigger, her odds of survival were already only 50/50.

Ps. She may be 15 years of age, but that is also an age of reason. She's not a child anymore.
She knows what is right and worng. She may be a teenager who is naive and has hormones as you said. But, she knew what she did was wrong. Being young doesn't excuse you for the things you did wrong.


May 5, 2018
Great, now mc will feel morally obliged to help her kidnapper's family... not that it wouldn't have happened if she remained alive lol
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2020
@icekatze @Insanityprism @RainEStar @thyraclyne
Great way in putting it logically icekatze. She committed a legal crime, both by today standards and more so in medieval standards. Being a teen/ or having shitty circumstances doesn't exonerated her from wrong doing as some people seem to believe. Insanityprism, she must face justice but I think we both can agree that she didn't deserve death and I absolutely agree that she should have gotten rehabilitation while severing time. I'm not talking U.S. prison where they soley focus on punishment, I'm talking scavidian countries like Denmark, Norway and Sweden where people do serve their time but are actually helped in rehab and being integrated back to society. She did commit a crime but it was tragedy on what happened to her and it's seem she did everything for naught because her brother/family no longer have her support. Who knows if the medicine was even real or got to her brother. I hope the author follows up on what happened to brother.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2019
Some of you might be missing the point, Hannah didn't deserve to die or have anything bad happen to her because she was cute and had a nice maid costume. Characters like her should be as invulnerable as bras and panties in PG Anime.
Apr 21, 2020
@eva4hidden @ _thestranger_ @icekatze @RainEStar @thyraclyne

I feel like the discussion is getting tangled because we are trying to debate different topics like modern vs. Medival social aspects, law vs. Justice vs. Morality, etc. I also feel like there are some vital nuances you are missing, as well as some unsupported assumptions you are making. I will try to address them but i am on a phone...

I find many of @icekatze 's statements to be flawed and unconvincing. Yes, teens can definetly be intelligent and heroic, and certainly have an understanding of what is wrong. However, in this situation she didnt know what the right course of action was. She wasnt malicious, and we know that she was emotionally distressed and conflicted. There is no evidence that she put her family in danger, but we know she believed that if she didnt kidnap the kid right then, then her sick/dying brother would not get the expensive medicine he needed to live. Not only that but she believed that there was a threat to her mother. There is no evidence that she believed that she would "get away" with it, just that she didnt know she was to going with the kid. For all we know she was going to wait and confess (which is probably why they brought her along to prevent that from happening).

The long rehibilitation/not working with children doesnt make sense. I am not saying she is "exonerated," but that she was young, and in a situation in which she didnt know the right move. She either believed she was talking to her family or she was unable to talk to them, and didnt feel like she could turn to anyone who she worked for/with. If you think about it, she shouldnt have been in that situation to begin with. Even if she was an adult by that society, she was only fifteen, but the main nanny for a dukes daughter, in a kingdom that depends on the nobles magic power for survival. Not only that, but she is shown to be an outsider, and yet there were no support, and a lack of guards watching over her and the mc. I guess it shows how much the lords not caring about his daughter affected the servants if they became that complacent and careless. Hannah was unqualified and untrained for that position, and mostly was "successful" because she knew some of the basics of childcare and the baby had an adult mind. Heck the MC took advantage of that in order to sneak out and whatnot...

Hannah wasn't evil. Just a poor kid likely caught in up in the plots of nobles. Had she lived, she likely would have been traumatized by the whole ordeal. However, at the end, when she was exhausted, scared, and lost, she showed her character by sacrificing her own life for the child she cared for would have a sliver of a chance at surviving.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
With regards to malicious intent, if it's true that she did it in a cold-blooded way, that is generally seen as the result of a more serious character defect and more inexpiable than if she had done it out of a fit of anger. Usually deserving of harsher sentences, not lighter.

It is possible that she didn't know a good move, but if someone doesn't know that selling a child to kidnappers is wrong, then they are really, phenomenally stupid. However, it's not accurate to say she did it without any malice. Even if harm to the child wasn't her primary goal, she still did it knowing that harm would come to the child. Pushing someone onto the railroad tracks and saying, "well, the train was the thing that killed them, not me," doesn't pass muster either.

One can make a lot of guesses about what might have happened, but I'm really only talking about what did happen. She might have confessed after the fact, but she stayed quiet even when she was in the middle of a crowd. She might not have kidnapped the child at all, but she did. She doesn't really get to take credit for saving someone's life when she was the one who endangered that life in the first place.

Rehabilitation does make sense in a lot of cases, but getting into the flaws of various criminal justice systems is really stepping into politics, so I'm not going to do that here.
Oct 23, 2020

I understand what you're saying, But,
then again, I agree with @icekatze here,
You cannot say that she did it without malicious intent. I did say that if you re-read the chapter, you will see a panel in a speech bubble of her saying "She would be okay, SINCE she has SPECIAL EYES"
Just from that statement alone, you can highly guarantee there is some malice involved. Also, beinh young doesn't excuse you for being dumb. If you read the novel.
the main butler was the one who hired her and had a personal connection with her
Which in turn proves my point that she had an option to ask for help, I'm sure if she did just inform them of something like that happening, they would've already received an investigation of a suspicious individual. Also, the same man kept delivering letters from her hometown very frequently with the excuse of "coincidentally asked to pass the letter". Even a complete imbecile will be suspicious of that

Again, here proves my case that being young doesn't excuse you for being criminally liable.

She didn't deserve death, I pity her for that.
That's why you can't say we lack empathy.

Also, a 15 year old can be sent to juvenile prison for shop lifting. What more as an accomplice in kidnapping ? She knew it was wrong, but she still did it anyway.

And she even had the audacity to tell the young miss she was happy serving under her ? After betraying her and causing the whole ordeal.

She redeemed herself by protecting the young miss. It is sad that she passed away. But, in our point of view, it doesn't excuse her actions.

I rest my case.

Jul 6, 2019
@icekatze this is something for the last comment in your original with the 'wanders'. I am someone who is currently reading the novel and has re-read that part quite a bit.

the wanders are hunters which in the novel thought about the option of returning her but thought that they could be charged as the kidnappers if they brought her back. They discussed it when mc was sleeping the novel as well. But they won't go against Alstar. Also, Alstar is one of the 4 marquises illegitimate children so they know a little bit about the kingdom.

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