LMAO!!!!! i think the author does not realize that one of the fastest growing populations of sexually transmitted disease are people over the age of 60. Grant it my data may be a bit outdated from my public heaths class eons ago but a little bit of menopause or erectile dysfunction will not stop people who are determined -even without the use of medications there are a lot of fun ways to have fun/ transmit disease. lmao!!! but 30 years?!! did his dick fall off and her vagina turn to stone? especially with seniors with bodies as well toned as those two. OR is this a cautionary tale of steroid use? awe man that was too much bwhahahaha 30 years. i mean i know this is like the least trivial thing for this story but man its almost as realistic as grandma having a black whole in her uterus.
thanks so much for bringing this to us!!!! I appreciate all of the hard work!!!