That's My Atypical Girl - Vol. 5 Ch. 33 - Spider's thread (Part One)

Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
hard to say if he's really in the wrong here. he understands that there really is no malice on each other's part, but letting this one slide so easily when it's the most important thing to him doesn't feel like the right move either.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Even non autistic people have difficulties with managing this feeling, tough challenge on how to "teach" her how to deal with this. Looking forward to the next chapter, on how the mangaka gonna write this.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@licebmi I actually think this is one of the more insidious problems. On the surface it might seem like a little bit of jealousy but it's how she enacted that jealousy and rationalised doing so which is troubling. "Could the sensitive Saitou-san so easily turn into the person that hurts another?" is the key line here; she assumed that if she didn't "bad mouth" the reader, a person in a very similar situation to her, then it was okay for her to ostracise them and inflict upon them the same sort of negative feelings and emotions she struggles with just when they had found an outlet that made them feel less alone and as if someone understood them, once again just like her.
While she does not appear to have done so maliciously it doesn't change that her actions were the very actions that, if they were reversed, would send her into a serious depressive episode (which we can safely assume is what it has done to the other reader).
You can't rationalise jealousy but you 100% can rationalise the action you take as a result of it and this is the lesson she needs to learn just like she did with other emotional outbursts previously such as her aggression towards dogs.
Double-page supporter
Apr 9, 2018
Yokai had to do this. She overstepped her bounds and honestly what she did actually HURT him, because his readers, how few they may be, give him a reason to keep going.

This can't be resolved so simply as one may think. She has to learn that she cannot do things like that.

Thanks for the translation.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
This chapter broke my heart.

Yes, she was jealous, but it looks like a lot of people in the comments forgot that she has Asperger's syndrome.
Social interactions and non-verbal communications are the most difficult for her to process. She can't put herself in the other person's shoes, because she doesn't understand how.

In the mini argument they had, Yokoi said "don't badmouth" his readers. For someone with her condition, that was the only boundary that she processed as "not ok". Mixed up with her jealousy and the way she rationalizes things, she thought what she did was harmless.

I agree that what she did was wrong, and she has to learn that.
But, to say that what she did was "illogical", or "she's possessive", or "Yokoi should apologize".... you need to do more research on Asperger's and the socially inept.

This is not a simple matter that can be solved by "apologizing" or "rationalizing".
I think it's time for Yokoi and Saitou to find a group and or therapy center.

I am in Japan, and my son is disabled as well. So I know for a fact, that they can get the support for free, especially that Saitou has the certificate of disability.

We'll see where the author will take this.
Oct 7, 2018
@MacMeaties Well yes, that's the thing with jealousy. You can do horrible things which you rationalize and justify because you actually feel the wronged party. And yes, if she were on the receiving end, she would have a depressive episode, but I fail to see the difference with all the other insensitive actions she does. She could trigger the same on other people by hitting them, by bluntly rejecting them or even as you mention, by kicking their dogs. And still, Yokio acted less harshly because he rightly understands that she can't help it.
The reason he acts cold in this episode even if we get an inner monologue rationalizing his behavior is that he feels personally wronged, after all connecting with his fans is how he feels good about himself and what he does. Even if jealousy is not pretty, I think the character would need to first acknowledge this. Anyway, the author will decide.
Active member
Oct 19, 2019
This chapter does leave me with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I do think Yokoi is right on this one. Even though the commenter was asking personal questions that would seem very invasive and would understandably make him very uncomfortable, I can understand Yokoi wanting to deal with it on his own terms, and Saitou basically overstepped her bounds by getting on his computer, invading his space, and taking things into her own hands. I mean, would you like it if someone just got on your computer, where you keep all your private things that you hold dear to you, and just started posting stuff on your websites under your name, potentially scaring off potential friends or readers? I know I wouldn't. In fact, I did that with my sister when she was younger, where I would talk to her friends online behind her back because I was so desperate to make friends, and it really pissed her off. Keep in mind, I was about nine or ten when I did that. This would be considered a huge betrayal of trust.

On the other hand, I can also understand why Saitou would misread Yokoi's intentions. Autistic people can be literal minded at times, and they can't always figure out what people are trying to say to them unless they're really straight with you. Being on the spectrum myself, I often times find myself doing things and then getting scolded for them, even though I have no idea what I did wrong or how it could be interpreted as such. I can somewhat understand why some would think Saitou's apology feels fake, but sometimes, when we're upset, we can't always think rationally or put our feelings into words, especially the kind that really conveys our true intentions. What some feel is sincere, others can interpret as being self-centered or manipulative. I've been accused of such myself, even though my intentions with whatever were always good.

But I also think this could be a good lesson for the both of them. For anyone who's curious, autistic people often get stereotyped as being simple-minded children who absolutely need to be protected and have all decisions made for them no matter what, even if they're an adult. I found some interesting articles that show that this is a really bad idea, with one of them detailing something called the dignity of risk. Basically, giving someone the dignity of risk is allowing someone to try something, potentially fail at it, and have them actually learn from their mistakes and grow as a person, giving them the opportunity to learn and grow. But many people, particularly caretakers, disrespect an autistic person's autonomy by trying to coddle them and protect them and do every little thing for them. By allowing someone the dignity of risk, they can figure out what works and doesn't work for them. So I think this situation would be great in truly letting Saitou truly grow as a person by learning about how her actions affect Yokoi and her relationship with him, if the author is willing to go that route.
Sep 27, 2018
Actually I think this is a massive issue, one that has really been at the core since the beginning.

Her jealousy fuels alot of their arguments. Her worry about where he is all of the time, her dislike of any of his female friends or coworkers, her need to be close and have his attention all of the time.

It's all rooted in fear and jealousy.

It's one thing if she's okay whrbout having friends and being only with him, but yokoi clearly doesn't want only that.

So it's crucial they find a way to work this out. Without him caving to her without giving her a chance to work it out on her own.

Someone else brought up the dignity of risk and it think it's 100% true, up until now it's been bothering me that yokoi has been solving all of their problems by "fixing" them for her, it's not helping to grow her independence or her agency as a person.
. She has to be able to live without him, so they can truly live happily together.
Active member
Oct 19, 2019
@dsid2814 Whoops, I forgot about that detail. But she still overstepped her bounds by taking things into her own hands rather than let Yokoi handle things himself.
Apr 1, 2019
i like this series a lot, cause it feels like a genuine portrayal of someone with asd, and also that shes not the only character who is neurodivergent. its a special feeling to see a piece of media that resonates with your own life when you are part of a minority. i doubt that the choices and decisions made by the characters are always correct, but to me that only makes it more relatable. life is messy, and when the majority of society doesnt understand you nor you understand them, it gets even messier. anyway, representation is important and i like this series 😊
Aug 10, 2020
It's unfortunate to see that original scanlator stopped with new chapters... I was really looking forward to what is coming next.
If anyone can get me raws I could try translating a few chapters.

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