creative liberties on the translation getting a bit too far imo. Already a bit sad we lost nanoda and nanojya in the past, but not really a big deal, but this? I can barely understand anything that's on the gothloli's speech bubbles ffs. If it's like that in the og (kinda doubt it) then alright, I'll just shut up, but if not, tone it down a bit please? Wanna be able to understand what the characters are saying
edit: read the tl note at the end (I usually stop reading chapters when I see a 'end' note on the page) and I get her speech is absurdly exaggerated, but still. Would it be possible to tone it down just a bit for the sake of comprehension? Or at least try a slightly different way of conveying it? If not, that's alright too
Yeah, I honestly think that at least half the charm of several characters are gone because of "liberties". Things like nanoda should just be left untranslated, anyone even slightly into anime/manga would be familiar with it and there's no good english equivalent to these speech quirks, either remove them altogether or leave them as is, trying to translate them just make them cringeworthy at best. Even so far in, I keep on getting annoyed every time I read their dialogue. They plain ruined the entire mood.
Then we have various other characters, also with their own speech quirks that are absolutely massacred in translation. How god damn hard is it to stop trying to be funny and creative and just leave the original in when they have to literally CREATE a new type of speech quirk to try to force it into english, where it doesn't work in the first place?
But then we have the worst offenders with the american wannabe and now this. Just because of the backstory of her parents origin, they took insane liberties. Now I can't understand what she's saying, the whole speech quirk makes me want to strangle her and I end up hating a character that would've been pretty funny if they didn't forcibly change her way of speaking completely just for shit and giggles, it's like the translators are going "haha, we so funny" while laughing to themselves. I get having to translate it somehow, but how about keeping it a bit more toned down so it's easier to comprehend and not making her go uneducated gutter trash british when she, for all intents and purposes, is SPEAKING JAPANESE even if with a dialect/speech quirks. She would be way more likable if she was slightly less incoherent and a bit closer to the original.
There's creative liberties and then there's re-writing the dialogue altogether, this crosses the line from creative liberties to just plain changing the script on their own and screwing up a character, downright insulting the original intent of the author/story.
It's sad because the translation is otherwise perfectly good. But they make terrible decisions regarding anything that requires a more liberal approach. I'd rather that the translation quality was dropped a notch than deal with feeling annoyed by several characters who, when I see the japanese they use, are actually supposed to be good and understandable enough. But no, let's just make the characters give off racist stereotype vibes instead of the original ones, that's great. Of course it'll hit home with some people with similar low-brow humor to the translators, but I would definitely prefer less moronic characters that are at least intelligble to some extent and it doesn't clash with the fact that they're IN JAPAN. That's another part where this screws things up, because they're japanese speaking japanese in japan, except some broken english. The way they speak break in the translation break that immersion.