@Doopington she has the heart in the right place but ... well she knows far too little about Fae, their blue and orange morality and their strange rules. To be honest I think he(she? it?) just threatened her but being threatened by a fae alone for whatever reason might open it's own can of eldritch unspeakable worms. Not to speak of if she actually made (got forced into) a contract with them.
that nun reminds me of asashi from jitsu wa watashi wa or something like that with the vampire girl, alien, werewolf and a couple others go after one boy who cant keep a scecret and he only likes teh vampire from the start.
Deceiving without lying only works because normal human communication is so riddled with lies of various sizes that speaking in absolute, literal truth often will not be interpreted as such. It is funny how those who pride themselves on "non-verbal communication" most often fail to realise the significance of what is and isn't said.