The Careful Empress

Jul 18, 2019
wow so far I can't put the word "careful" together with the FMC, this is purely a Stockholm syndrome kink in the making. If someone killed my parents + I was once a dragon known for prideful nature then I don't think I could breath the same air with that Dbag.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
The drawing looks great in the cover.. but the rating is not..
I wonder how bad this is....
May 23, 2020
I.... couldn’t make it past chapter 6. No matter the circumstances, the Emperor killed her parents in cold blood in front of her. I think I would vomit if the two actually got married like it said in the summary. Dropped. Too bad, the knight and the dragon’s relationship was interesting. Until that dunderhead emperor killed her off of course.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
So I read till like chapter 23..
It's.. almost good actually,
I feel like the bad things about this series is that it fail to bring out proper feelings/emotions for each of its characters.
Which make the characters feel so shallow, that I almost can't empathize with them.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Have hope freinds

Oct 5, 2020
That red haired asshole.. ugh! im furious and im gonna stop reading for now and go back when i feel better 🤣
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Every new one of these romance webcomics about falling in love with a murderous lunatic who has personally (and remorselessly, usually) killed people close to the female lead increasingly baffles and annoys me. What the fuck is going on with Korean women? Like, I know girls love bad boys, but this is several Golden Gate bridges too far, isn't it?
Apr 2, 2019
It's not that good, but there's just something about the art that I can't help but react to. Literally the only thing keeping me reading is the artist's ability to draw Kayn so endearingly.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019
@xXPenisXx nice name but yea same kinda tired of manhwas glorifying murderous and possessive homies and ppl following with it and going kyaa he's so hot
Active member
May 31, 2019
@xXPenisXx Between this and "love your shitty dad and brothers, even if they're abusive" makes me feel like there's some cultural gaslighting going on
Nov 25, 2019
this plot sucks. took way too long to reveal the real male love interest. how did it even get licensed in english... and i have no idea how they could satisfyingly resolve the conflict with the emperor. the fl is also just annoyingly hostile in every way, which makes sense given her background, but it does not make for a likable fl.
Dec 15, 2019
So am i the only one that thought that the empress (The black female ) was a reincarnated or transmigrated person from the modern world? First off from her limited prophecy and how the unforseen circumstances had playing in the blind. Maybe she did have the ability but it's very limited or smthg. However her story although still unfinished seems have a very wary circumstances. Having gained the the trust of the emperor & forseen knowledge for the white dragon. On another note i thought the Empress (given the title) would have been another MC or the antagonist but as of now i will take it as Mir eventually rising up on to that pedestal eventually
Sep 28, 2020
So I get that the red dragon emperor is a douche, but what I dont get is, how the white dragon cant empathize at all. When she was killed by the Knight, she sought revenge for herself until she realized the Knight was remorseful.
The red dragon was hurt for way longer and was truthfully betrayed with intention. His despair and anger has grown for such a longer period of time.

I'm assuming eventually she will sympathize with him, and right now she doesn't know the full story. Guess we'll never know!
Dec 15, 2019
On another note Mir and the emperor.
So TBH I don’t really hate the emperor, despite what might be considered inconsistent character development, I am not seeing it that way. For sure there could have been more plot development and given more depth into the story as whole, right away one could tell that the author desired to get right into the story they envision without substantial want or need to develop the beginning of the story. But i don’t hate the characters, well the emperor in this case. I am rambling and going into another area, but i don’t think the emperor was out of character, often he’s portrayed as someone who is bloodthirsty, giving little care or concern over the well being of others only to then to go seemingly the opposite direction by baking , offering some sort of shelter to orphans and giving to the mere whims of Mir.
The way I see it, it goes more in showcasing the more favorable side of himself to Mir or some character growth that wasn’t showed throughout the years. He’s still bloodthirsty, committed various crimes however it wasn’t until later years that he started looking back at his mistakes. Maybe the change came when the prophecy was told, or maybe he never learned about it or existed and kept to his ways lashing out with pain for his pain. In this reality he did hear the prophecy and finally he could see an ending in sight, and for once he looked back. It hardly changed anything but maybe by seeing the end of his pain he slowly started to change. His attitude with Mir could be attributed to his mistake in killing mir’s family and attempting to make up his mistake and earn forgiveness but remember it has the purpose of his death. Does he gain feeligns for Mir maybe but it does not hold enough weight to desire a continual existence.
It’s uncertain if he;s the ML or not but the way things go with the genre there might be a high chance he might. I hope not, despite my long ramble on his character it does not erase his bloody history and Mir does not have fall in love with him Forgive yes. (i’ll get back to that in a mo.) It’s obvious that Mir and Emperor are tied by some sort of fate, (Dragons, Goddess and Sword) Thus far the only person who can kill the emperor is Mir, the list might expand given it is a “Prophecy” so if Mir can’t step up maybe the new arrival black hair knight might be the one to take on the role. Still, Mir and Emperor are tied by a twist of events, and they are giving out some sasuke & Naruto vibes or Naruto and Gaara airs. To Mir, unknown as of yet is a everything she could have been and become. Their story is so achingly familiar that his death in the original time (unknown) could have been the reason Mir killed the tyrant in another future. Remember when the knight killed the white dragon, it wasn’t out a sense of desire or want but a duty and desire to protect. Much as the white dragon found companionship with the knight so did the knight with the white dragon. It was a devastating blow for both when the death happened. The reason that the emperor tried to make up and provide a stable environment for Mir since the only way to wield the sword is through a sense of justice and fairness. Which given her sense of revenge negated that. Still maybe in that future, Mir killed the tryant out of mercy or maybe out of a duty to protect depending on the side that he fell on.
After all, both were betrayed by their humans, felt lonely in their solitude, both were punished/saved by the goddess and were given human form. Much like the tyrant Mir sought revenge at first and it was through sincere remorse that she was able to let go of her grievance and find some sort of happiness given this new chance.
On too Mir should forgive the Tyrant. It’s not out of a sense of being a Mc but more for character development. I can see Mir’s unforgiving revenge addled mind becoming more ruthless emperor as she yearns to seek vengeance. It has been a spiral of focus for her that she finds various excuses to continue her path.Which would be interesting to see if the opposite was true with the emperor, in seeking forgiveness he starts to see the kinder side of humanity or smthg. TBH Mir does not owe him anything, but i do feel bad for the dude after all his attempts
( I could have gone more on Mir, and forgiveness but i rambled long enough. On a last note, given the pain the emperor feels does he feel the pain because of his past or because of the punishment the goddess envoked? )

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