The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 10 Ch. 133 - I'm Stuck in the Middle

Dex-chan lover
May 21, 2019
They're not even high school, they're middle schoolers remember.

And sometimes I get this feeling that some people forget they're reading about children in these types of stories and all matters of interpersonal hang ups it pertains
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Double-page supporter
Jul 12, 2023
It was super uncalled for when Sekine bitched about Kyou using the groceries that they bought. Anna has ever right to tell her off and Sekine having the gall to say that Anna is faking being Jealous and lying, Also saying that other people probably feel the same makes her a total bitch and calling her fat, then to accuse Anna of crying to make her look like the bad guy, fuck her. And Sekine has been acting like a bitch since they got here complaining that Kyou is being awkward.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2023
I'm with Sekine. Girl was just tryna study and Yamada keeps interrupting. She brought on the beach discussion the day before when Sekine was tired and just wanted to do the shop. Now Yamada is making unrelated conversation as soon as the books are open. Why DIDN'T she go shopping with the others these two seriously gotta STUDY.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 6, 2020
For anyone who doesn't get Yamada's (maybe subconscious) motivation to interfere with Sekine and Ichi's studying, it was made pretty explicit in chapter 125.


There's a lot going on in this chapter, and one of the reasons why I think the writing in this manga is superb. They're both being shitty to each other, like middle school girls often are, but Yamada is the genesis of this by letting her insecurities and subconscious lack of trust in her boyfriend and her best friend get in the way of what's best for both. Sekine has been doing a lot for everyone on this trip, and Anna's actions don't match her praise for Sekine in this chapter. In Sekine's mind, you can't be shitty and annoying to me when I'm trying to study because you're jealous and then tell me you think I'm amazing. I'm not saying Anna is doing this on purpose, she's young and immature and probably doesn't even realize she's doing it, but she's still being at best inconsiderate of her friend.

And that's okay! It's good writing to see characters overcome their flaws! It's clear Sekine also has a lot of pent up jealousy towards Anna, as well. I dunno, this is just my interpretation, but I really like the story and think it's very well done.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2018
TLDR; the fight is that Yamada has repressed stress cause she still suspects Moe as a rival in her mind.
That's part of it. The fight is because Moe is sick of Anna's transgressions, perceived or no. Yamada likely does mean her compliments, but she's an inexperienced young teenage girl. She's not being facetious all of the time, but she doesn't know how to moderate her doling out of compliments. This makes her seem ingenuine. Add on top of it Yamada's very real tendency to worry over Moe cucking her and act out because of it and you have something that could and would cause grievances among normal people in real life.

This is a very human conflict and I'm impressed by Norio-sama's ability to write such a real fight. I had to reread the chapter to really understand the crux of the issue, and it's been a conflict in the making for tens of chapters at this point. It really does follow that in a normal human relationship that someone would be absolutely annoyed by Yamada's character flaws. This isn't some idealized anime world where the subtext is ignored. Norio has penned a masterpiece in sub-textual storytelling.
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2018
I think Detective Anna is right. The culprit with the condom is the most unlikely suspect, Bayashiko.

It's gotta be Pigman herself. No one is suspecting her, but it's her private beach house and she's a lonely spinster. The most logical and humorous answer to the scenario is that ol' piggy wanted to get laid but couldn't and forgot to put up the condom. Remember, she did leave a bunch of pet cameras in the house to spy on Yamada.

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