On page 8, Yamada's first line in the Japanese is just "niteru" ("similar"), without saying who her dad is similar to. She's most likely thinking that he's similar to Ichi but hesitating to say it, considering that he concludes she's trying to say that he's similar to Yamada and she starts to correct him before Yamama barges in. Translating her first line as "he looks like me" breaks it both in that it defines who she's saying her dad is similar to and how they're similar when the original line doesn't specify either of those things.
yeshwait that was the MILK TEA?!
To me, I think it was when Ichikawa handed a drawing of Yamada (for his chuuni fiction) because he thought that perv guy(forgot his name) was trying to hand a note question ‘do you masturbate?’@meidunk The bottle of tea with milk. Remember the tour on publishing house? Remember they were alone in the subway? In my opinion it was on that tour that Ichikawa conquers Yamada, specifically in the elevator scene.
I dunno if Yamada has autism but Ichikawa 100% has autismSomebody who has more expirience with such matters please help;
Does Yamada show signs of autism? I don't mean this in any kind of disrespectful way, but I genuinely feel like her way of expressing herself and her feelings sometimes feels a little unusual.