The Day I Decided to Make My Cheeky Gyaru Sister Understand in My Own Way (Fanbox 18+ Content) - Ch. 2.5 - Gyaru Sister Orgy

Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Yeah man , I don’t what enthusiastic consent you can infer from hentai heart eyes, but it’s also reasonable that being black out drunk diminishes any ability to consent at all. (As evidenced by the entire page dedicated to depicting her drinking and then blacking out, if not being roofie’d).

This is porn at the end of the day, and the art is pretty good, but it’s pretty clear she was date raped in this instance. Yes, even if she’s a push over who’s easily pressured into sex otherwise.
Apr 10, 2023
Yeah man , I don’t what enthusiastic consent you can infer from hentai heart eyes, but it’s also reasonable that being black out drunk diminishes any ability to consent at all. (As evidenced by the entire page dedicated to depicting her drinking and then blacking out, if not being roofie’d).
That's not a blackout, it's a flash forward, bro. And we can infer consent from her enthusiastically grinding her hips on the guy's dick, and telling them how good it feels in response to a question from them (Which, you know, is hard to do if you're blackout drunk), then begging for more at the end.

This is porn at the end of the day, and the art is pretty good, but it’s pretty clear she was date raped in this instance. Yes, even if she’s a push over who’s easily pressured into sex otherwise.
You have a dumb idea of rape.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Personal responsibility is a thing. Enthusiastic participation is THE sign this is completely voluntary.

Good for you. The world doesn't revolve around you and your desires. People don't like paying for untagged NTR.

Nice. Lecturing women on their "responsibility" when being raped.

And the use of memes is the exclusive province of idiots.
Apr 10, 2023
Nice. Lecturing women on their "responsibility" when being raped.
Begging the question. She's clearly consented, and this cope of yours isn't funny anymore. I've been taking it in good humor so far, because, yeah, it's kind of funny to pretend to be in denial.
Pot, Kettle
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 15, 2023
Author doesn't say it is canon either. It may well be canon. I don't know. But until we get a clear statement one way or other, I prefer to treat it as an unanswered question.
The next fanbox will probably be about the blowjob that was clearly implied in chapter 4. If so, will you consider it canon or will the author have to say it is canon for you to consider it canon?
Apr 10, 2023
The next fanbox will probably be about the blowjob that was clearly implied in chapter 4. If so, will you consider it canon or will the author have to say it is canon for you to consider it canon?
This guy(?) thinks that the fanboxes are in an entirely different canon because you have to pay for them. You're witnessing a Copium overdose.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
That's not a blackout, it's a flash forward, bro. And we can infer consent from her enthusiastically grinding her hips on the guy's dick, and telling them how good it feels in response to a question from them (Which, you know, is hard to do if you're blackout drunk), then begging for more at the end.

Bro, her vision blurring right before the panel gradually fades to black is not enough of an inference for you?

Does she need to enthusiastically declare she is drunk and of diminished capacity for you to accept clear context?

I think you believe I need her to not have been into it because of some neuroses about ntr, I could give a shit, I just have eyes.

You have a dumb idea of rape.

You have no idea of rape, lol. Enjoy your evening of arguing about the definition of netorare.
Apr 10, 2023
Bro, her vision blurring right before the panel gradually fades to black is not enough of an inference for you?
No, it isn't, since fades to black are definitely a thing, and I don't know that people that are blackout drunk are able to answer questions. And this is granting the idea that somehow the men are extra responsible for her actions despite the fact that they're drunk too.
I think you believe I need her to not have been into it because of some neuroses about ntr, I could give a shit, I just have eyes.
You're not nearly important enough to me for me to waste time imagining what your motivations are. I just take whatever you say as it comes.

You have no idea of rape, lol.
Considering you seem to think that if a man and woman have sex drunk, it's the woman that was raped, I'd say that I'm probably closer to the "right" answer than you.
Enjoy your evening of arguing about the definition of netorare.
I would, if the moron told me what his first language it.
Aggregator gang
Feb 7, 2023
Well, of course. it's just yesterday. Duh?
I feel like I'm talking to an angry, stupid 12 year old. What fun.
Boo fucking hoo what a grown up.
The fun thing is you don't like the idea about discussing her personal responsibility. What? Those men should be held responsible for everything? Really?
Pretty sure your imagination of growing up is men bowing down to you and doing your chores like your personal slave huh?
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
The fun thing is you don't like the idea about discussing her personal responsibility. What? Those men should be held responsible for everything? Really?
Pretty sure your imagination of growing up is men bowing down to you and doing your chores like your personal slave huh?
I'm sticking with: big buff guys who, in groups, deliberately & aggressively pressure lone girls in isolated locations into getting wasted & having sex = fucking scum. And I'm not inclined to blame girls who wind up in such situations, for the same reason that I don't typically point the finger at mugging victims.

The men should be held responsible for everything they did wrong. There's nothing wrong with having sex, per se, so everybody's fine on that score. Aggressively coercing people into getting drunk & then having sex, however, is wrong. That's the only crime we see here, and the men are solely responsible for it.

I'm a dude, btw. Everything I've said here extends from my own personal sense of responsibility & decency as a man.
Apr 10, 2023
I'm sticking with: big buff guys who, in groups, deliberately & aggressively pressure lone girls in isolated locations into getting wasted & having sex = fucking scum.
Big buff guys? In groups? Aggressive? Isolated areas? It's her friend group having a drinking party at their home. Jesus fuck. And did you not see Chapter 4? The dude propositions her once, then asks if she's sure that she wants to leave when turning him down. Then she apparently gets to walk away with no further incident. If this "aggressive pressure" is enough to negate any consent she might give, then no human being has ever consented to anything ever in the history of the world.

Here you are talking about them like they're a roving band of violent rapists, muscling poor, defenseless women into submission, when all they do is ask a "friend", what, twice, tops (If chapter 4 is anything to go by)? Then she eagerly participates in a gangbang with them.

Ironically enough, the first arguable case of coercion we got in Chapter 4, where he said she'd be excluded if she didn't stay and have another gangbang, failed miserably. And if your big point is that the guys that call her over for sex, threatening not to call her over for sex again if she refuses to have sex with them is coercion... then you're too far gone.
The men should be held responsible for everything they did wrong. There's nothing wrong with having sex, per se, so everybody's fine on that score. Aggressively coercing people into getting drunk & then having sex, however, is wrong. That's the only crime we see here, and the men are solely responsible for it.
Asking someone to do something, anything, just once, is the furthest thing from "aggressive coercion". She consented to the sex. Enthusiastically, at that. It's weird that you're so hung up on the bits the girl consented to when trying to paint them as bad people. "They got her drunk!" She was there to drink in the first place. "They raped her!" She literally consented. "But she was drunk!" So were they. Were they raped?
I'm a dude, btw. Everything I've said here extends from my own personal sense of responsibility & decency as a man.
Well good for you. It's sad to hear that nobody had the "consent" talk with you.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Big buff guys? In groups? Aggressive? Isolated areas? It's her friend group having a drinking party at their home. Jesus fuck. And did you not see Chapter 4? The dude propositions her once, then asks if she's sure that she wants to leave when turning him down. Then she apparently gets to walk away with no further incident. If this "aggressive pressure" is enough to negate any consent she might give, then no human being has ever consented to anything ever in the history of the world.
They are big buff guys, the athletic "chad" type in visual language of contemporary manga. This is doubly true relative to her (note tiny frame). And they push her to drink rather aggressively, though they disguise their aggression with false good cheer (note body language and tone of their comments, they way they crowd in around her despite her obvious discomfort).

It's his friend group having a drinking party at his home. We don't know if she's ever met them before. And the pressure I'm talking about is that which is applied by the group. They collectively pressure her into getting drunk for the express purpose of rape, and when she blacks out, they begin their crime. When she comes to, she's wasted and already riding dick -- well past the point of meaningful consent.

Here you are talking about them like they're a roving band of violent rapists, muscling poor, defenseless women into submission, when all they do is ask a "friend", what, twice, tops (If chapter 4 is anything to go by)? Then she eagerly participates in a gangbang with them.
I'm talking about them like they're a band of deliberate rapists pressuring a woman into blackout drunkenness so they can rape her. Because that's exactly what they are and what they did.

Asking someone to do something, anything, just once, is the furthest thing from "aggressive coercion", and she consented to the sex. Enthusiastically, at that. It's weird that you're so hung up on the bits the girl consented to when trying to paint them as bad people. "They got her drunk!" She was there to drink in the first place. "They raped her!" She literally consented. "But she was drunk!" So were they. Were they raped?
She consented to drinking under pressure, but she never consented to sex. She blacked out and woke up nude with a dick about to enter her. And the guys got her drunk with the intention of doing exactly that: raping a drunk chick. And nothing in the story suggests that they were anywhere near as drunk. We're shown her blacking out, not them.

Her journey in 5 panels:

1) Her drinking as they egg her on (their comments include "she's so bad with booze lol", and "she's lookin' weak lol")
2) A panel of swirly, blurry, unrecognizable forms: universal cartoon shorthand for intoxication
3) A panel of blackness, indicating that she's blacked out
4) A panel of blackout blackness rising to conscious light, overlaid with beery little bubbles (incredibly obvious symbolism)
5) Her nude and having sex, her head held in place by one man as she rides another

Yes, the above indicates the passage of time, but it also illustrates the state of her consciousness during that time. The boys got her wasted so they could rape her, and they did.
Aggregator gang
Feb 7, 2023
I'm sticking with: big buff guys who,
Yeah, i'm not gonna entertain you on your idea of "women should be clean even when they're dirty" either and looks like you're missing some of my point.
Of course they're bad guys, i even recognize it. Even from their looks, it's a BIG FUCKING RED FLAG. Even their language speaks sex offender.
But how she ended up in that situation can't be neglected either. Despite knowing that she STILL hangs out with them? For what? To prove something to her bro? That's pathetic. Really.
She could've just hang out with her girl friends and go shopping, go to cafe, or something harmless.
And why would you think world is full of flowers for women like that? Even for men, it's not really a paradise either.
I'm a dude, btw. Everything I've said here extends from my own personal sense of responsibility & decency as a man.
Yeah yeah, and i'm a fucking attack helicopter. I spew out... alright that's enough.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
But how she ended up in that situation can't be neglected either. Despite knowing that she STILL hangs out with them? For what? To prove something to her bro? That's pathetic. Really.
She could've just hang out with her girl friends and go shopping, go to cafe, or something harmless.
And why would you think world is full of flowers for women like that? Even for men, it's not really a paradise either.
I agree, but she did no wrong. Naivete and low self-esteem aren't crimes. She held no ill will, meant no harm, and did no harm to anyone. I suspect she hung out that crowd because she thinks of the guy she was visiting as her boyfriend (tho we don't have a clear answer on that score yet).

Fwiw, I don't think the world is full of flowers for anyone. But nor do I care to heap additional shit on the obviously abused.

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