The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 18

May 11, 2018
she took 60 whips because the madam was scared. Wouldn't be mad at all if she never forgave her.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2018
@CivilSky I thought she had all of old Chloe's memories, so she should definitely remember something like this happening. Especially considering how recently it happened, if it's only been 6 months now.

(Although I have no idea how long has it been since Chloe was reborn?)
May 5, 2019
I’m glad the maid didn’t say anything about forgiving her. Sure, she may stop hating Chloe, but Chloe’s gonna have to do some serious apologizing for the maid to think about forgiveness. (~_~;)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2019
Honestly that was so detestable of the MC to pin the blame on someone else. I could see why the maid is mad.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 3, 2019
Looks like it truly was a good thing the Chloe was able to get her brains(the reincarnated ones) back in her head...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
...Huh. Yeah, that's...a pretty big fuck-up. What the heck happened?

I didn't get the impression that original Chloe would be capable of scapegoating someone. If she just lost it and blamed it on the maid, then yeah, she was being reprehensible. I have to wonder if her bullies were involved somehow, however.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
@Psychronia the bullies were totally involved but yeah that doesn't absolve Chloe and that is what makes it kinda worse for that maid cause Chloe might not be aware of this so she is going to have a hard time with this
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
That false accusation was based on fear. If Chloe can make up for the previous Chloe's blunder, then it proves that she's better.
Jan 6, 2020
Why did the Head Butler ask Chloe to blame a maid though ? Its clear he is the one that truly runs the household. He seemed full aware how incompetent and terrified she was but kept it a secret from the Duke. [Honestly I thought he was going to be evil]
I wonder why the Butler stuck up for Chloe all this time...
Sep 1, 2019
in the earlier chapters the MC realy ragged on past chloe and now i kind of get why... falsely accusing someone else because you're scared of the repercussions of your own failures is disgusting.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
@blazing_boz The mistake that Chloe did was big, there had to be a scapegoat that had to be punished. If Chloe admitted that the one who made the mistake was her it would affect the Duke's reputation. So past Chloe just pointed her finger randomly and it happened to just land on Jacklyn, Chloe probably isn't aware that she is the maid that was falsely accused. Honestly, the fact Jacklyn was whipped but not fired and arrested is a dead tell that it was a cover-up (keeping the maid still employed so bad rumors don't leak out) but Chloe and Jacklyn didn't realize that.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Wow, that's some legit reason to hate Chloe.

Things that can be forgiven: Being falsely accused? Okay. Being punished for it....hmmmrm...okay....Physically punished? ....okay, even that. The name being slandered and therefore taking cuts in the paycheck, promotion chances, one own's,..but okay, if the name is reinstated and amends are made. Taking cuts in your skin, that will never heal...No. You can forgive, if the damage is reversed, but if isn't possible...

Worst thing is, I can understand old, coward Chloe. This trading certificate thing somehow came up. She had to do something or her standing might have been in jeopardy, I imagine. She was scared. She was under pressure. She had to do something. She blamed someone, anyone to escape the situation and tried to never think about it ever again. Doesn't make her innocent though.
That hatred is well deserved. If somebody shoots a beloved one, because otherway that person would have been shot by a third person, forcing him/her to do it, that could be forgiven. But if somebody ends somebody else's social life, because else that person would have faced a few tough weeks...Chloe has been weak. That's no reason to let something like that happen to that maid.

I hoped old Chloe had just swapped places with MC and would be happier on earth, as her personality might have better clicked with MC's old circumstances, but now I don't know.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@blazing_boz: What he asked her, indirectly, was "This is a fuck up, SOMEONE has to take the fall, WHO do you want it to be?"

Because of the difference in status between nobles and commoners in these sort of settings, even if nobles lie the commoners can't really argue back.
So when Chloe pointed to the maid, the butler probably mentally deducted her 'value' in his head.

If you think about it, for such a serious matter, the maid was 'only' punished with whipping. If anything that was likely the butler calculating that to be the lightest 'heavy' punishment he can give the maid to ensure the facade.

Him sticking around her is to limit the damage that'll occur from her screw ups, after all even if she was a bundle of cowardice and clumsiness, she IS the duchess and a stain on the duchess name would stain the duke's name.
Also, while he is the head butler, he doesn't know everything, otherwise he should've stopped the maids harassing Chloe to begin with.
Jan 6, 2020
Interesting- so in short The Butler helped for the Duke sake, Not for the Duchess. Yes ?

Its seems that most of the maids openly hate the Duchess though? How can he not know that everyone either hates her or looks down on her, they didn't hide it.
Even her room wasn't well kept because of the level of neglect the maids were doing.
maybe the order of the story is wrong but I recall the Butler telling Chloe he would take care of the house finance because of a mistake Chloe made.. I guess
this is the mistake ?? [ I assumed he was taking care of everything in Chloe's place]
Active member
Jan 14, 2019
Well, that is an amazing valid reason to dislike the duchess. Ooof this only further proves how much of a hindrance and issue the previous Chloe was. I cant even feel sympathy for her because no matter how screwed you are you should own up to your own mistakes. I can however see some of the points others have posted but it still a shame.

@Qelix I disagree on your statement about forgiveness.. Forgiveness is something the injured/wronged party must choose to do no matter the situation. I understand the situation sucks and she got permanent scars on her legs but at the end of the day its up to her to forgive someone not anyone else. If she is able to forgive her after receiving permanent scars due to her lie then what an amazing person she must be. I think in almost any situation it is possible to forgive someone even if they have received permanent damage and this is of course reliant on the party who was injured.
Feb 4, 2018
60 hits from a whip in a row ?

It's a miracle she's still alive.
No wonder she didn't liked Chloe, that was something you should not ever do.
Mar 30, 2019
Well, in her case her dislike is understandable. What the previous Madam did was wrong.
But, I hope they get along well in the future.
Apr 10, 2019
Can we have some "I'm so glad you put your job and well-being as a bigger priority than fucking-up an idiot called Past Chole" parties for the head Maid? P.S. I mean this as a good thing. Like she decided that her physical and financial wellbeing were more important than dealing with a lying bitc--- I mean, with the Past Chloe,

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