The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 43

Jun 1, 2020
They’ve slept together... who the fuck cares if he kisses her in her sleep lmao did you forget this ones plot? I get it depending on the story but not here ok? Lmao
Sep 26, 2019
"i want to embrace her but she needs rest"

my mind, not really paying attention: yo i dont think she'll get tired from an enbrac-OHHHHHHHHHH, ohhhh i gotcha. *winks*
Oct 28, 2019
@mira995 no it can’t. Rape is non-consensual penetration. It could be considered sexual harassment, I guess, but I don’t think most romantic partners with a good relationship would be bothered by their SO giving them a peck on the lips or forehead when they’re asleep. Maybe a cultural difference though? Parents often kiss their children when they’re sleeping, and that’s normal. Hell, I kiss my cat when she’s sleeping lol.
Group Leader
Sep 30, 2019

Idk I think it's sweet if it's between a couple who's affectionate with each other or with members of your family.
My parents used to give us kisses on the cheek or forehead when we were asleep (or when they thought we were asleep), and it made me so happy.

If my husband kissed me in my sleep, I think I'd be really happy. But going further than a kiss is a no-no if one person is asleep and can't consent.

But in this case, it's a husband and wife who've consummated their marriage and are openly affectionate with each other. It's fine, and he doesn't go past a kiss since he values his wife's health.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 19, 2018
@Jojobean13 it's all about consentement. obviously this is a romantic manhwa and everything is gonna be fine. but they weren't in good term until recently and remember they see each other once a month, so we can considere she never agreed. this is why I wrote "could be". it's all suppositions. in the end the whole chapter is just showing how the duke care about her after all
Just saying, from where I'm from, you don't kiss someone who is unwilling to or doesn't know about it (which is the case here), you may name it however you like but it is a violation of privacy

@Mai_loves_icecream exactly my thoughts
Oct 27, 2019
Srsly they’re in a relationship and love one another, why would kissing her in her sleep matter?

They kiss when they’re awake and it’s not a french kiss it’s just a peck soooo

I’m thinking those complaining are either single and never been in a relationship or never had a relationship with someone they truly love. This is normal imo..
Active member
Feb 1, 2020
Finally!!! I was waiting to see when the plot point “Don’t report to me about anything in regards to the Duchess” or whatever would be used!!! And... I dunno... I like it but... It feels a little... forced...? Kinda? Sorta? Not really? But... yes? Like he was already reflecting on the fact that it was his fault... and then to hammer that notion home, they finally used that line... and... I just feel like it could’ve been used to greater effect. But! Regardless, I’m happy one major foreshadowing line is finally used up
Jan 8, 2019
@AnonDePlume True, Death by overwork is pretty common in many parts of Asia. In South Korea its called gwarosa. Working overtime weekly is the norm for a lot of Asian countries, specially in in South Korea where they're known have the longest working hours in the world.

But for Chloe, we dont know how many hours she was working or if she was pulling all nighters. I think the artist did a poor job in showing the time she spent focused on her business. It could be a week or a few days from the point of the reader. For a lot of us, it seems like a few days.
Aggregator gang
Aug 25, 2019
LKJADSKLJS HE STRAIGHT UP WENT "DAMN I WANT SEX... BUT NO, SHE'S TIRED. LET HER REST." ljkfsdlkjafsd i mean well... good for them. yes she is tired and that probably would be too much for her... sfaljkfdklj i was all caught up in the fluffy feelings and then he said that and i went HOLD UP aflkjdfsklj it's so funny bc when i just stared at the raws i thought he was torturing himself for letting her fall ill in that panel BUT NOPE HE WAS JUST GOING [HORNY GRIP] SCREAMS

thank you for the update!!! what a chapter sdfalksdf i loved it haha
Apr 7, 2020
Alphonse , in my opinion lacks flavour. His emotions are too predictable, and on top of that he's also been a terrible husband before this Chloe.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 7, 2020
@mammaria IKR LMAO he looked like he just didn't want to see her sick but then he goes 'i want to screw' and i went HUHHHH
Active member
Aug 19, 2019
I bet he’ll get sick too.

Please if your partner/SO is sick or unconscious don’t do this. Just don’t. No matter how much you love them it’s not okay unless they like it.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 1, 2018
Um but like she's not a child, she should be allocating her rests accordingly otherwise that's just being irresponsible....

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