Thank you for the translation! This is one of my favorite series, and is often complex.
There are a few places that are confusing in this translation - mostly, places where I believe the subject of a sentence has been misattributed. "You/your" where it should be "she/her" or "he/him" instead - for example, in that scene at the jail, I'm fairly certain the guard is describing how Albrecht has been unresponsive since being arrested to the vice captain of Neuschwanstein's guards, Everett, who is the visitor.
Also, I'm pretty sure Jeremy is mourning his *mother* (Shuli), not his lover. 😅
I *LOVE* that Nora fell in love with Shuri in the original timeline, even though it's clear their encounter didn't make nearly as big an impact on Shuli, since she doesn't remember meeting him in their first life. And that panel with adult Nora and Shuli is TO DIE FOR.
Ohh, the heartbreak of never seeing his love again, except from a distance, only to have to investigate her horrific death...

this entire epilogue has been incredible!