The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Ch. 15

Feb 6, 2019
Wait I kinda forgot what happened.
If Ercella's family cared a lot for each other, then why was she made to get married?
Was Ercella forced to marry her husband?
Why did she get married at an early age?

if anyone knows the answer to any of these just tag me in the comment. I'm really curious!
Aug 9, 2020
@Raowaa these are just my own conclusions:

-ercellas sister was the queen of another country who died
-ercellas parents must have also died
so she was left just with her older brother and herself, with him inheriting the entire family. their family was in a bad shape, so she had to marry someone that could support her family; her husband rn
Apr 20, 2020
this is what i got from one of my friends that have read ahead but it will be explained in the next few chapters. basically, harsen and ercella married each other in order to avoid two other marriages. harsen didn’t want to get married to the princess and ercella didn’t want to marry a count. also, harsen’s family was one of the most powerful families which would have benefited her family hence why in the earlier chapters she said that she got married for the sake of her family.
Double-page supporter
Oct 3, 2019
I wonder why harsen never stepped up before and took major action.... its not like hes oblivious to the fact that vincente was neglected... they had a pretty loving and cordial relationship so why didnt he try to console or at the very least talk to her... what he did was pretty much the very same "neglect"
Jan 1, 2020
“i’ve turned a blind eye to everything you wanted and whatever you did in your life. even if it left you and my only son neglected.” that was just a nice way of dancing around the fact that he enabled ercella’s toxic behaviour towards vicente. this chapter just confirms to me that neither of them were ready/fit to be parents.
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
You know if I didn’t already read the novel I would be feeling really bad for Ercella, I still kind of do, but I have more sympathy for Harsen.
Ercella doesn’t realize how much that “You were my best choice” line that she simply throws about hurts him...

There still both fucked as parents though...

People be hating on Harsen and yeah I get that he is doing a lot of stuff wrong but let’s not forget what the Mc did in the first life, just like how she’s changed herself because she’s knows what her fate was/is going to be, I’m sure if Harsen had a second chance he would be much different to how he currently is
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2020
I get both their points tbh. Harsen's a duke so he must've been made to be perfect, hence he treated Vicente the same. Ercella wanted to be a social butterfly but her father was sick so she had to be married off so she could protect herself. But because they were married young, they were never really ready for this kind of thing, even though they might love each other at some point. Seriously man, they all need therapy.
Dec 7, 2020
honestly i can only look at ercella and harsen as teenagers that were rushed into "adulthood" (not really adulthood, but something bigger than them yfm?) with that marriage, especially ercella. i can't explain it with words, but it's clear how they were both severely affected, they may share some affection for each other but,,, that marriage robbed them both of X things and obviously led to the build up of the feelings expressed here
ugh i feel so bad WHY THIS CHAPTERRR
Active member
Jul 17, 2020
After I got spoilers from the I'm seriously considering dropping it
her husband forced her to be away for years, conspired to kill the baby her sister died to gave birth to and after seeing the FL just twice briefly he pushed to a wedding, just like the lil bitch is doing now, not caring she was 16yo and when he went to war and left her pregnant the entire household emotionally abused her saying how her body and life didn't belong to her anymore... honestly is a bit horrifying how he was forgived and got a happy ending
Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2018
Neither one of them really knew how or was prepared to be a parent. Hell, they don’t even know how to be a family. This really illustrates why teen marriages should be illegal and shouldn’t happen.
Jul 9, 2020
Low blow, Harsen, low blow. Just because she made mistakes in the past doesn't mean she can't care about him now. If she was a bad mother for 15 years, does that means she has to be bad for the next 50 years? And by his own admission, Harsen let her treat Vicente like trash, now he's trying to take the higher moral ground? Wow, I feel sorry for Vicente.

I skimmed the raws for the next couple of chapters, btw. Minor spoilers since I can only read a little Korean
From chapter 16 to 21 (current raws) is all flashback territory showing how Harsen and Ercella met, their early marriage, her pregnancy, her dad's illness, her father-in-law's death, Harsen going off to war and leaving her pregnant and vulnerable to preying relatives, etc. Basically the kinds of stresses that led to Ercella developing PPD.

The raws haven't caught up to the point where Vicente is actually born, or what happens in the 15-year gap. Or what's going to happen from now on.

I don't think the age was the problem really. If it was just Harsen and Ercella, two peasants in a village working on their little farm, or a normal middle class family, they could have made things work. It's the external pressures + PPD that messed things up.
Feb 4, 2019
So, just because she also was a dumbass, you have the right to be a dumbass to your son as well?
why are they making males so dumb in manhwas?
Apr 16, 2020
OHHHHHHHH the emotions are pouring out now

@AnimefangirlX while i do think their status played a role in Ercella's behavior I think age played a bigger role. She was thrown into a political battle. From the secretive family of a Marquis to now the young duchess at the age of 17. She thought that her brightest days were stolen when she gave birth to Vincente. As a young lady that was considered to be the flower of high society, there had to be many things she wanted to do. But after giving birth she was expected to neglect herself while a teen and care for another life.
Didn't read your spoiler btw.
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
@Adryan475 spoil me please. What in the novel made it so that ur not feeling as bad for Ercella as you would have if you hadn’t read the novel?
Nov 30, 2020
With an attitude like that, it wouldn't surprise me that Harsen actually likes/loves Ercella, except he's got a twisted view of what he has to act and do because of his position as a Duke. Hence why he's so cold and distant, but the fact that he rushed into an early and young marriage with Ercella suggests an impulsivity that isn't really in character with his "role." :S Not sure if it's something he can be forgiven for, especially with how he's now blaming Ercella who is trying for the first time to be a mother.

On the topic of Ercella.... like let's be real she gave birth when she was a teenager, and lost her family members shortly before/after her pregnancy, and her husband was away at war. On top of that, any additional stress from people around her not being nice or amiable would really, understandably drive her to take it out on her child. It's not something to be proud of, but it's very understandable considering her circumstances. She wasn't ready to be a mother, pure and simple. The negative consequences of it we see now. It doesn't mean that it's not too late to try to be one now.

Also if they reconcile for whatever reason, she's still young enough to have more kids :p she was what, 17? when she gave birth, now another 15 years later, she's in her early thirties...?

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