The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Ch. 28

Feb 2, 2020
Lmao. This whole time I thought we were still in a flashback until I read the comments. 😂😂🤗😂

I blame it on the fact that everybody looks the same age all the time.

I don’t care about her relationship with her husband. I hope this story is more about her self discovery and her really following her true passions. that family stole her sparkle.
Active member
Jul 16, 2019
im no homewrecker, but this dude has more common sense (or maybe he's just better at communicating) than her husband/that knight person LOL
and i'm pretty sure he's the guy she met at the bookstore before, though i can't really remember what they talked about, other than languages.
May 30, 2019
This kinda annoying like dude why did everyone at the duchy treated her like nothing all of her knowledge went waste lmao I don't like her husband if u did truly love her then would he really bear to see her in the state she was before is that really love or did he just deceive himself
Sep 11, 2020
All she needed is someone who actually listened to and believed in her 😭 I bet Harsen didn't even know she wanted to travel the world
May 23, 2019

No youre not the only one. Rather than his husband being a jerk, both of them have trouble communicating. Thats the real problem here, just like how rl marriages are. I never like how people divorce so easily just because they want to run away from problems that can be solved by talking and explaining together by saying "theyre not in love anymore" or putting complete blame on the other only. From what i observe, both her and her husband do love each other but the miscommunication causes them to unable to talk properly and even if they do, they use emotions only without giving proper listening and rational. It's easy to blame one part just becoz we can relate to her more and see more from her pov. And i believe her husband is still much better guy than people think, with lots of development in both of them.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
I get that there's miscommunication on both sides but she tried reaching out finally and she was put down for it. I also get that the husband tried to understand before and can't believe now. Still, I think, he could've listened to her even without believing. Observed her before crushing the last bit of her that finally had the courage to reach out. Yeah, I'm asking for him to be the bigger person... why? Because he preaches like he's the only person who's in the right. So I obviously expect more. Plus everyone is on his side while she's battling everything on her own. Even if it was a making of her own, she still deserves to be listened to by him. I will need a really big happening if he's the ML. For now, I'm glad for this guy raising her spirit.
Apr 12, 2019
Well he just appeared like a ray of sunshine didnt he? Love this dude hope he sticks around hes exactly the kind of supportive person she needs since everyone else shes around seems to not wanna give her the chance to improve.
Jun 5, 2019
I like him. This guy told her what she really needs to hear and to not lost of her hope after everything has done.

Btw, who is he? Is he just a random character that pop and gone or he has "role" in this story?
Aug 15, 2020
I ship them although the ML is the husband. Hope the manhwa changes ML but that never happens. So sad....😭😭😭😭 Why do we always keep the shitty ML?
May 3, 2019
Istg if she stays with the shitty ml after such an angel descended from the heavens-

But seriously if she's staying with her current husband make him work for it please

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