The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings

Dec 27, 2020
I’m glad she’s starting to understand where her issues come from & slowly trying to take back her life 💓 the people in the estate are scum, they excluded her from day one worsening her depression & then making fun of her for the way she tried to cope. She didn’t even know she was sick or why, so she tried to come somehow. People commenting here that she’s selfish are lucky enough to not having had depression in their life, apparently.
I hope she’ll manage to speak frankly with her husband and that her husband will slowly start to understand her. He loves her, that’s for sure, but he needs to understand that placing her under a glass bell is gonna do more harm than anything & that he has to face the consequences of political drama together with her wife, not alone.

This novel is very interesting, it’s not the usual reincarnation plot & the characters are very complex and diverse. I’m really loving this, thank you for translating it.
Aug 13, 2020
I hate how some people before mentioned how she was just whiny little rich girl, getting all upset cuz she worried about her image. Reading more and more into the reason why she become depressed and felt hopeless, makes more and more sense. I’m happy to know
that they’re gonna up getting a divorce
, cuz if she’s gonna get any better she needs it.

So many factors played a part in her depression.
•Her sisters and fathers death.
•Becoming pregnant at such a young age.
•Being told that she isn’t needed.
•Being left alone and ignored.
•The pressure of being a mother without much help.
•The criticism that came when she wanted a breath of fresh air.

The girl was neglected, alone, hopeless and confused. Anyone would become depressed in her position. It doesn’t justify how she treated her son, but it makes sense why she treated him that way. The girl wasn’t allowed to be angry with others, except her son. It’s sad, but true.

I’m happy that
her son, later on comes to understand her and supports her, by leaving with her after the divorce
Dec 1, 2019
i came here for romantic cliches but then her depression scene came up. I wasn't able to stop the tears from falling because I know how hard it is to get back the life you thought was fun. You wake up in the morning not wanting to get out of bed, you feel sad and you don't know why. All these things may sound simple but when you're in this position it just doesn't feel that easy to solve.
Oct 31, 2020
Im about to sleep at 7.25am after reading this whole thing and im in tears. I wonder will they really separate? Or will they like temporarily not see each other? Also this brown haired open-minded guy although he is great is abit sus...
Sep 25, 2020
After i read some spoiler, it's actually a big more issues,
now i know the reason she didn't know anything, and why Harsen couldn't say anything, wow i'm speechless, i never think it turns out to be like that. That's how i understand why people get angry when they heard some people hate Ercella. I never knew the issues couldn't be able to solve at home, it's much bigger.
Well, i learn that i can't just presume after read just 28 chapters of this.
Nov 8, 2020
I regret reading this too early. I can't handle cliffhangers. I should've waited till it has 50+ chapters ㅠㅠ
Feb 25, 2021
Literally in tears with how her story was portrayed. I saw it a little when it first went into her backstory, but it made me cry when the story actually took the time to go into depth with her situation.
This girl was literally willing to do whatever it took for the good of her birth family. She had no way of knowing Harsen loved her, because he probably never took the time to spell it out. If anything, she probably thought he thought it was just a good marriage. And honestly, his obsession with her was horrid and it made him grow even further from her emotionally while still keeping a grip on everything about her.
She lost some of her family, had her power ridiculed and reduced by everyone in the house, and became like someone in a cage. When she had Vicent, that was probably the only factor of her life she felt she had control over.
I’m NOT saying the way she treated him was right at all!!
Rather, I just want to say how glad I am they actually dove into her character instead of just a ‘oh mean girl bad villain mom’ story
Also, postpartum depression is a serious thing that affects millions of women after giving birth. It can also be so easy for people to simply forget about the mother’s health and treat her only as the ‘baby-carrier’ (which we were shown A LOT of during the flashbacks) and it makes them feel dehumanized and devalued as an individual.
Adding this on to everything she had going on, it’s literally no wonder that she felt so enclosed and trapped that she just wanted to kill herself. Whenever she finally did what actually made her happy, she was belittled and told that her presence was only important for the baby.
She didn’t know that she was depressed, or even WHY, and so she tried to act happy and good, which probably only made it worse. No one understood what was going on with her, and chose to just deem it as her being ‘weak’ and ‘spoiled’. This isolated her even further away from everyone while still making her feel trapped, which made everything worse.
And it’s funny that Harsen was actually the one who told her not to bother with Vicent anymore. I found that pretty interesting to see, because to a girl who had her worth equated to producing an heir?
Looking at it, her whole life she only tried to do what was best for others and be of ‘worth’. Any hobby she might’ve had, she felt had to be validated by being a ‘worthy’ thing. And when she tried to socialize, which seems to be one of her only hobbies, she was pretty much humiliated.
It’s no wonder her depression hit her so hard, after everything she’d been through.
Again, what she did to Vicent was absolutely wrong, and I am in no way denying that. I’m also not saying that she’s perfect in any way and that everything she did was right. However, I think they were both victims in a horrible situation, and I’m glad the author actually took the time to explore that.
(Lol this is such a long rant, but it just made me really happy that we got to see more than just ‘evil mom bad villain bad bad’ in a time-travel story!)
Jun 11, 2020
@Kaleola versed it perfectly

I'm guessing the next arch whill revolve around her clearing up understandings with Harsen. The Crown Prince or whoever that guy is will probably find out who she is and vice versa. She'll also try to interact with her son more, although it'll progress very slowly.

This story is really good with its worldbuilding and character development. The plot progression is also steady but allows you to be entertained.

It seems like we're picking up conflict from here so buckle your seatbelts.

Nov 12, 2020
A couple chapters back when they were describing her past, did her husband cheat on her with the princess? That whole thing about the princess having a miscarriage was confusing.
Sep 10, 2020
Reading this was a bit of a struggle for me. I like how the author went into the mother's background and what she went through. As someone who has been in the shoes of that neglected and abandoned child, it felt strange to read. But even though her kid went through so much because of her,
when they hang out he warms up to her and when they hold hands accidentally, that lingers in his mind. Even though someone hurt you so much you still yearn for their affection. The FL needed help and she was scorned for it and her coping mechanisms. I think someone else said it but her son was the only variable in her life that she had control of. I've been depressed as fuck before where just everything is wrong and I feel in control of nothing. You ended up doing anything just to feel like you can control something in your damn life. I know this is just a manhwa and I'm projecting but this one really just hit me hard. I want to be angry and upset at the female lead, bc I know exactly what her son feels like, but I can't. Instead I'm angry at the people that mistreated her, and the circumstances that she had no control against, at the lying. She's found someone that's told her exactly what she needed and she really does need to start living for herself. At the beginning you get this vibe that she is just a spoiled and selfish aristocrat, but that is the farthest thing from the truth. She deserves better and I want her to heal and grow even more, but with her son. This baby spent 15 years alone knowing the person who brought him into this world could give less of a fuck about him. You can't make up that hurt in 3 years. I hope they can at least become friends.
Jul 6, 2019
As a parent (talking about her btw), I feel as if on the first chapter
it would have made more sense to just have your adolescent child be pulled to the side; bring him to another room and just tell him straight up “Mother isn’t feeling well and I don’t think I have much time, these past few years I have been a very bad mother to you I apologize. Yadi-yadi-yada tells a little speech and improve his image of you in one go. I say this because he is already a teenager, for him to not feel any way about this you need to lay down a big seed of influence on him. After that THEN you move on to a smoother, better main plot.

One more thing to add, kinda wish they went back to when he was a child. Would like to see wholesome family development, not angsty teen shit and apparent NTR/cheating
Dec 27, 2020
FL is such a cute and nice character 😭😭 she tries to do better and question/understand herself and the consequences of her action
Of course she’s gonna need help with that, who wouldnt
How can you say that she’s selfish and spoiled 😭😭😭
Mar 23, 2020
This is so good. I'm glad the author handled the postpartum depression well. It's really a serious case of mental health disorder and she really portrayed it well in this case.
I don't think there would be NTR. Rather, he's a piece that will make the couple understand each other well.
Apr 3, 2019
i really really hope ercella talks it out with harsen - i love how this manhwa has been fleshing out ercella so much, and showing (instead of telling) how much harsen was devoted to her
Dec 7, 2020
i am of two minds....the romantic in me wants Ercella and Harsen start anew and become the partners they could have been....the realist in me though says thats just too much pain to let go of...and still play the game of houses ercella walking away...and just breathing and living her own a kind mother and former wife and hopefully in the not so distant becoming a scholar and just actually being happy is what I think I would like for her

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