seethe dowouncuck you're favourite boy isn't as deep as you think he is. He's just another generic black haired boy who a psyhcopath (but he didn't do anything wrong uwu) that's prevalent in these Manwahs
Not my fault no one like shitty dowun. Everything that happened to him is by his own doing. He said he didn't care if she fucked the guard. Well now thats she's gonna he dosent have any right to stop her
Dowun doesn't deserve shit. Only reason he became emperor was by marrying Lyon. She can just backstab him like his family did to the previous emperor and no one would be the wiser. In fact I think thats what's gonna happen. Or she'll bang bake and pass of the child as dowuns. Dowun wouldn't mind. Hes quite happy being a cuck.
and you're the type of person who reads this for one character and trashes anyone else. News flash Dowun isn't the MC. Lyon is. And this is her story, not everythings gonna revolve around that black haired autist