The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 60

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Nov 7, 2019
I hate how they treat her so much. At this point I just want to skip to then end so bad.
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Jan 18, 2018
How the fuck do they expect the coutnry to be stable if they keep on killing the rulers
Dec 21, 2019
I seriously hope Hong Lyon didnt buy that lame as excuse "I was looking for you". Like WHY is he at the granny's house? how did he know WHERE TO LOOK! like! bruh! this is too sketchy! Hong Lyon has to srsly look into this, she cant let it slide.
May 12, 2020
Isn’t be the brave and altruist guy is the definition of perfect guy in shonen ? He even got a good backgroud by saving her while she was a little girl so he is like a hero to her and also a savior. He is the embodiment of the good guy in this manhwa and you need to accept it, while Dowun is depicted as the bad guy because he don’t have feelings and even crush Lyon ones.
I can’t understand how someone can ship bodyguard, it’s just so boring to see a perfect and loving couple and even their interactions are lame, they just talk and blush. This manhwa is drama and historical, I want to see schemes, treason, blood, not a fucking typical shojo. I don’t even like the idea of a strong woman going out with a fucking peasant.
May 12, 2020
I hope the author did that so he can be more human and be in a critical situation with Lyon where their love blossom and during the schemes I hope bodyguard die painfully.

What did you expect, by staying with bodybitch she is becoming more and more stupid, Dowun is the only smart guy in the cast. I hope Lyon understand to which point Dowun is helping her to keep power because she is stupid af to waste her time with a peasant...
( imo the author don’t care anymore about consistency, and want to make the story advance because Lyon was depicted as a political beast during her trip across China )

All cast is becoming dumb and dumber and the author is shipping bodyguard so I lost hope in consistency and realism. An Empress with a peasant ffs...
Only Dowun can save the ship !
Dec 18, 2019
Leave my mans alone. I dont think dowun would actually go for it once he hears about what his brother and dad did
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2020
does his dumba*s not know that she’s the reason he got beat before 💀💀💀
May 12, 2020
The fuck are you talking about. I think you didn’t understand my point. Shonen is the place of heroes and chilvary and bodyguard could have been a MC of a shonen so him being the ML of a shojo is just boring because now it’s typical romance we could find everywhere
Apr 5, 2019
Dowun may be many things but I truly don't believe he will let it slide if the bro and dad really do plan to get ride of the queen. He tries to keep himself aloof and devoid of emotion but I can see he has some feelings towards the queen. The bro is an idiot why would he save the previous princess. Lets say he was trying to be kinds and save someone even though they would have never saved him because if he truely plans to put this princess on the throne I an going to be really dissapointed in him. The MC has shown herself to be a good ruler and the new princess doesn't give a damn about people.

I am not team bodyguard I am team Dowum. I feel like the MC has some attachment to him because he saved her back when no one gave a damn about her he had nothing to gain and instead lost something. I don't hate the bodyguard I just don't see him being the right guy for her. He's her past and Dowun is her futures he has helped her grow. While I think the bodyguard has caused her to regress.

I thing if Dowun actually told her he liked her she might drop the bodyguard.
Apr 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter this is one of my favorite series.

Some people in the comments needs to calm down its just a webtoon. If you don't ship you don't ship.
Apr 5, 2019
I dont think Dowun will betray the MC.

That little bro better not actuallly go through with anything.

Prediction: The person hiding the previous princess is the person who the bodyguard asked to spare. Once this all blows up Dowun's bro will be safe cause he is royal but its going to make it look like the bodyguard was ploting against the MC. Maybe the little bro is trying to use this as an opportunity to get rid of the bodyguard and not acutally betray the princess.
Oct 14, 2019
This was great, but now? I dont even surprise with whatever plot twist that maybe happen

I've read a comic with full of plot twist but every arc was exiting, but this one isn't one of them

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