With misfortune,
the person above is not
a grammar Nazi.
It horrifies me
That people can disregard
the proper tongue;
to degenerate
a piece of their culture and
P.S I am a different person responding, for the original owner of this account died from shock. The person below thinks that speaking in limerick is much more refined than struggling with syllables in a haiku.
There once was a man from Nantucket, who carried his voice in a bucket. The pail came undone, he then had to run, and with that he decided to chuck it.
The person below me KNOWS WHAT THEY DID. And they are NOT FORGIVEN.
...So you're telling me. Santa is named after a man called Nicholas, which the nickname Nick would have made much more sense; chose one of the coldest days of the year to go around like a man in a white van targeting children with presents. But was then romanticised as a fat man with a side gig of chimney sweeping whilst wearing all red (no doubt to hide the cuts and bruises). He takes cookies and milk like a tooth fairy and gives out presents to good children whilst changes into his black costume to kidnap bad children? Ain't that a bit racist?
Also doesn't Christmas actually mean to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ? Although its unsure when he was born, Christmas day was chosen as a proxy date for it? So is this a Christian or Capitalist Celebration? And what does Xmas mean? Removing Christ from the holiday or to symbolise the cross upon Jesus was crucified?
The next person has a Merry Christmas with their close friends and family. Enjoying the small things and reflecting on the good times with each other.