The Girl from Random Chatting! - Vol. 6 Ch. 56 - What Do You Think?

Active member
Dec 4, 2018
@givemersspls He is feeling sorry that he couldnt save her, guilty about not strong enough to save her. That's all, a normal human reaction, nothing more, nothing less, and definitely not this special snowflake bs you are talking about. :)

I wonder how Hamin will react to this answer, guess she will lose her mind so we can see some of her background. At least I hope so.
Aggregator gang
Jul 22, 2018
I agree with @givemersspls, Joowoo depression and self-sacrificial nature is leading him to be irrational about Seo, he was supposed to drop her like a hot potato after the betrayal, is he waiting for her to harm Yuri or something before, he realize she doesn't deserve a second thought ?
Oct 30, 2018
He's definitely not over her and he's going to be forced to help her in some way or another maybe this time in real life instead of ranchat
Double-page supporter
May 28, 2018
How he feels about lila is, Dispite being all lies. it did Give him much needed confidence boost when he needed the most. So he is taking her words with salt and if there are parts true, he would like to give her some much needed boost that was overdue if her words were real.
judging from his eyes, his mind did not break. and is still strong. ignoring pig and monkey and tries to reach out to her.
Active member
Dec 6, 2018
@givemersspls Joonwoo feels guilty because he made a promise for himself that he will save Seo. But in the end of last event he couldnt when he tried for the first time. Not because what he already done or anything he did wrong.
Probably like this from my POV.

And, I feel bad for Sungah if Joonwoo doesnt make any move. Imagine he already built very very solid relationship from very start but he just let it go all of it now.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
it's not that he doesn't care about sung ah but after what happened he's trying to remove himself from the situation. He knows when he got involved things got tense and he was embarrassed at how things last ended off.

However, why can't things just move forward without anymore of this drama crap so he can focus on improving himself reee. They're legit going to open a huge can of whoop ass on him next time they see him if he doesn't shape up and train.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
To Joonwoo, he learned that the "very very solid relationship" that he built from the start was just what Sungah was showing in public, while hiding feelings of fear and disgust. He doubted everything that Sungah ever said positively about him, even when it was said to her RanChat match. To him Sungah only said that Joonwoo seemed nice to her RanChat match because her RanChat match was the one that suggested that she try befriending him, while the whole time she must have thought he was a creep, but only opened up about her true feelings through the app when they met up at the beach.

I think that he looks back at the months he tried to get Sungah to like him vs the one week he knew Lila in terms of how they responded to him. While Lila is clearly gas lighting everyone, she frames it in a way that feeds Joonwoo's self esteem issues. He knows that he can't do anything about the past, but thinks he can still help her now, the way she helped him. Her feelings seemed genuine, though twisted. So he feels like he could have made an impact on her life. When it comes to Sungah, he thinks of months of lies and wasted efforts.
May 25, 2018
he feels guilty bcuz he's depressed. he probably thinks it's all his fault and he feels irrationally guilty for what happened. he may seem like he's getting better, but he's still the same. he just hates himself less now. he still thinks he's a burden on everyone. like, he refused to tell yuri what happened, she had to hunt him down just to figure it out. he shut himself out from everyone and the only reason yuri even found out was because she ran into him at the movies and witnessed lila freak out on him.
Jun 18, 2018
I have some bad news for everyone, this is the latest chapter in the raws. And it was released last month. i think the autor is taking a break :/
Power Uploader
Jan 21, 2018
If i look on naver i see 10 12 2018.. so my guess the next one is on 17 december
Nov 13, 2018
The nxt chapter will be free at 4days. I kinda explore the raw manga i wanna see the chapters in advance. There is 3 chapters but it is locked you must wait for days to be free.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
I would have liked much more of he acknowledged that Lila is bad news after all she did, instead of still thinking that he knows the real her after hanging out for a WHOLE WEEK (sarcasm). But I guess in these kind of stories pretty bad girls are only to be redeemed no matter the cost.
About Sungah, it's pretty obvious that he will end up saving her and Hamin is putting herself out of the Junu race by pushing him in that direction.

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