This is not a full sum but it is from the pannel of the yuri bullies pic(tae won and shin yung yoon.)(I may post it's remaining upper part later If I have free time.)enjoy new way of summing.(I know previous pannels or chapter with jonwoo and lila conversation or the incident at pc bang is imp but I will sum it later at chapter 66 by Ariette next monday.)

I'm sorry) korean(wae hapil)
MC narration:Since/from middle school.
Kim Tae Won always had madness.(Kim Tae Won has always been madness)
Shin Young-Yoon was always(always had been) angry.
And Sung-Wook is
It was full of arrogance.
And then that fucker's eventually(finally)
I broke three relationships.(I had the power to break down three relationships.)
After that,Kim Tae-won and Shin Young-yoon
It got worse(It became more serious.)
So I did not believe.(That's why I'm not late.)
But the sincerity is low.(But Sung-Wook)
He overcame his arrogance and apologized to me.
Actually,I know.
Jung was really sincere(It was deep and sincere.)
It has changed sincrerly.
Then I.. Why
Hamin mind bubble:somehow..I wanted to meet you.(It's been three days..I'm asking you to meet me.)It was hard to trans I don't believe this is accurate or right.
Hamin mind bubble:I thought he was angry.
Hamin mind bubble:crazy..! I do not know I saw you in a long time!
Hamin mind bubble:It has not been so long!

id you come?(Oh! you came?),I'm sorry to call you all of a sudden.(I'm sorry I called you all of a sudden)
Hamin:haha when I woke up,I was just called to the old skin.(It was hard to translate so it is not accurate.)
Jonwoo:Yeah,but hamin.(yeah,by the way Hamin.)
Jonwoo:Are you familiar with Chung(Jung) suk wook?
Hamin:That's right.?,He was from the same institute from the begining of the semester,but why suddenly ask that?
Hamin:Oh,that's right.Did something bad happen before?
Hamin:Tell me.I'm curious.
MC narration:.... I know
I do not think you're the one for me.(Hamin you're not the only one for me.)
Yeah,that's for granted.(that's for sure.)
This feeling I feel is meaning less.(This emotion I feel.It doesn't make sense.)(I don't care what I feel about this feeling)
(Must be one of these three sorry for many options and not clear trans.)
But still,
But still,..
(It's Chung Suk-Wook) (jeongseong-ug-in geonde)
the last faint words are:I'm the one who got the hell out of here,but I have to do it myself. Because I am alone?