The Heroine of Drayfox - Ch. 8

Mar 31, 2020
Hope she'll try to act more maturely...

Also, aren't normal babies generally like that? They cry, scream, throw fits, pee in your face/clothes, poop, smack you, hit you, be grumpy... and then sleep. (and laugh sometimes, and is calm sometimes and that... is RARE lol.)
Dec 3, 2018
I get what she's feeling but she was harsh to Finea's family. I hope that she'd now be a better daughter to them.
May 7, 2020
Aw she was just miss her family...
Hope you'll learn to love your new family
Jan 16, 2020
The MC is a b****. Ungrateful! (Until this chapter) You lived with them for what how many months and can still not grasp their intentions???
The author's head is too full of negatives in this arc... -sigh-
Watching so many novels, stories, movies, manhuas and mangas. Not to be awful but sometimes you kinda get to know many
type of stereotypical people through stories.
People just don't know what they have until they lost it or experienced the pain of losing it. That's what I hate about stories like this. But even if it's just a story, it just irked me when I see the MC is far too egoistic of themselves.
Well, don't we all in this world though....? Some people are just born rude/egoist, some are forced by their environment, some are blind to the truth and some are just ignoring what's happening...
Kinda want to drop this but the drawings are quite good. I just don't really like the MC after she's reincarnated into the other world at the start. Wish she's not so dumb in the next chapters though, if she still is... I'm just gonna drop this.
Jun 1, 2019
@Skilvh i think her reaction is very realistic if u prefer MC who would adapt too quickly once they transmigrated then i suggest you better drop this
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2020
I was hoping the dragon was going to say that after her family members lived a fulfilling life they died and her current family is the reincarnation of her previous one but I suppose that's too convenient
Jun 3, 2020
Why didn't the dragon just tell her she passed in the other world? Obviously she's in denial about it, thinking she's just in a coma, but wouldn't that have been a more convenient explanation as to why they can't return her? It's not like she doesn't know she's reincarnated.
I feel iffy about how easily she's accepted it considering she's struggled for 7 chapters. On the one hand, the story can finally continue, on the other hand, it feels like it's something that should gradually be accepted not just after one major incident.
Otherwise there's no reason why this adjustment period should be drawn, instead of a quick "I reincarnated, went against it for a bit but after a while learned it was futile and accepted my new family" in one chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 2, 2018
The things these beings can and cannot do don't really make sense, besides if a soul can casually cross dimensions at random then logically there would have to be a way to send it back otherwise there wouldn't really be a way there but magic i guess.
Also she should still be resistant and wanting to go home if a little softer and more patient, giving up a goal so easily like that is not a good sign
Jul 30, 2018
honestly i found her really really annoying up to this point but it’s just realistic how she was acting cause she’s just a normal girl. glad she was able to get her closure through this.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2018
I worry for the lives of the people that hate MC for how she acts. How fucking pathetic must your life be to think people can just forget their previous lives like it was nothing and not care about never seeing their families again.
Apr 14, 2020
I was honestly not sure if I'd like the rest of this novel once this confrontation inevitably happened - I found myself on Hansol/Finea's side from the start. I felt bad for her new family of course, but she wasn't necessarily wrong to be feeling the way she was. So I was not looking forward to what I thought would be a bunch of lecturing about how she was wrong, how she was selfish, etc. I guess certain other manga/manhwa I've read have been conditioning me... 😅

Anyway, instead we got a nuanced and respectful portrayal of learning to try to move on while still grieving, and the tantrum/explosion was a really good wake up call to her own behavior - not absurdly awful, but still a big enough deal to feel like a believable game-changer. Excellent stuff.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 17, 2018
She misses her old family so much that she neglects the fact that this new family is still hers. She has two families, or at least had.

Most fiction always portray grieving in the perspective of the living family members but here, we have a rare opportunity to see how the dead one grieves. And it's just as painful.
Active member
Jun 12, 2018
I like that this is quite realistic that if we Isekai into another life we might feel sorrow over the loved ones you had to leave behind. Also, Finea is a baby. The brain is not well developed yet and often reacts on impulses. Her sorrow over her old family probably made her lash out at her current one because she needed to grieve and no one would understand. For those judging her actions, I feel like we should be more understanding of the loss of her old family.
Aggregator gang
Oct 16, 2019
A bit upset the dragon heals Monia. It's just too easy. Actions should have consequences, and when you do horrible things you need to regret the error of your ways

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