THE ISEKAI DOCTOR Any sufficiently advanced medical science is indistinguishable from magic. - Vol. 5 Ch. 19

Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2023
Why the weird restriction of same year as this manga's publishing date?

But that aside, is great.
I mean why shouldn't it? There are manga that released later that used the same or improved the existing plot from a different manga (like a new story taken inspiration from the older tale) and there're manga in that revolutionize some manga genre as a whole like Madoka turned how people view the Magical Girl genre upside down (albeit some of us expected it at the time)

So I think it's fair to restrict it to being in the same year, it can either be in Jan or Dec I don't mind as long as it's good, and yeah agree Paladin is nice, can't believe there're still people who slept on it.
Jan 8, 2023
the silly story doesn't put me off
Looking at the explanations of other people it looks like I was a little too hard on the manga, it might be a story more interesting than I thought.

they were utterly owned by everyone
I don't remember this. I might have missed a part of this story and the understanding of this world.
the human nation misuse it and their god decides to level the playing field (not by giving every race healing magic; by giving knowledge of medicine through the main character).
Yes this is an interesting and original way.
And it's not like all humans are ha-ha evil. It's shown that some are misguided and some do not agree with the philosophy of the human nation.
The church looks like this, every priests look power-hungry except the one healing in the lower city. And the unfortunate people living there are very poor but very kind at the same time... Not very realistic/logic. If you look at the poor wards during the victorian era in London (same time of Sherlock Holmes you know?) poor people were surviving by commiting crimes, not all people are unfortunate to live there and weak nor kind.

healing mage would be needed as well
Not totally because if you start using the work of Pasteur and Koch, people will understand now that they need to sterelize everything...

that's how I been seeing the European during Crusade and Inquisition Era
It's a mistake. Yes they did a lot of massacres and discrimination against minorities, but that a bad way to see them. And what's troubling me is that they mix this time of history in Europe and the proletarian fights/struggles during the victorian era. It's totally anachronistic. Yes that's not bad in its own way, but it doesn't work well, that's my problem.
The salty water stuff?

Very realistic. There are actually people that act like that.
Yes you can find every kind of people. But, if ha-ha evil people constitute the whole church they need power acknowledging and helping them, so that they can keep their autority. And no I have a blessing is not a sufficient reason. Too bad the manga didn't show us powerful people using the church's services and keeping them, like a need a doctor to keep myself alive...

pretty grey area
That's totally white. He doesn't participate in the church's political plays and he save/cure people for free. How is he grey?
The church holds a key service unique to humans
They just monopolize the healing power, but if someone come to subduct them right now they will be helpless, where is the strong power/entity protecting them against revolts/wars?
Almost like it happens in real life with resources.
Not really, look how hard for the papal church to keep the dime for themselves in middle ages. For example the Holy Roman Empire was against a strengthening of the church's political power in the Empire...

you might have downplayed the story more than you think
Yes I might have done this, sorry. :notlikethis:
And the art isn't just KINDA pretty, it's GORGEOUS! Give me an ISEKAI manga tittle
Hum, I don't read a lot of Isekai... But The one Within the Villainess might do it. Also.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2023
Yes I might have done this, sorry. :notlikethis:

Hum, I don't read a lot of Isekai... But The one Within the Villainess might do it. Also.
First off, nah you don't really have to apologize, just a confirmation is aight, it's also a misunderstanding from both sides(?) as your points might have not get across to us at first so everyone tried to reply to you, and maybe it sounded rude from both sides as well(idk how you see it but for my reply it may sounded a bit rudely worded now that I've read it again).

Secondly, YES, The one Within the Villainess is great, the plot is GOATED, and the art is GOOD, one of the best Villainess Isekai JP stories we have had so far in my opinion and no one can tell me otherwise, though I still have to stand for this manga in particular regarding the "art" part.

I think this is more on how people have different taste on art, just like food, my sis like to have cake as dessert, but I prefer fruits, so we can separate these two manga like this:

- The one Within the Villainess focus on the emotion of the character, especially their facial expression, if you take a look at it you will notice even the slightest movement from their face when something happen, the eyes, the mouth, eyebrows,... their expressions are all beautifully conveyed. The artist probably had fun as well since the "Heroin(e)" has such an exaggerated and silly expression from time to time. The important part like the fight scene is also great, they put in a lot of effort for those details as well.

- While this manga in particular focus a lot more on human anatomy in my opinion, since surgery or any other medical treatment involving direct contact need this kind of accuracy. And idk if you understand what I'm saying after this, since I've worked with some artists in the past (they're great, they taught me a lot of stuff too) but this artist did so much, too much if anything, it's more than just good art, there're so many details in one panel, the stroke for some parts is soft enough to make the texture look natural, cloths have wrinkles in all the right places, their spatial awareness is insane, and their ways with drawing the water droplet got me in awe, I would clap my hands together and pray to the author if we were to meet irl, because putting in that much effort in a manga while being consistent is such a crazy move, even Saihate no Paladin can't pull that much stunt since I have seen some parts that the author had to gloss over later on (which is very understandable since aint no way you would waste so much time on something no one would pay attention to in less than a second or two).

Sorry for the long essay at the end, I don't know how to get my point across in a better way so it got so long, both of the manga have beautiful eyes design though, or you could say they are very...Eye-catching...Damn Imma see myself out :pepela:
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2019
That's totally white. He doesn't participate in the church's political plays and he save/cure people for free. How is he grey?

You might have a weird idea of what "White" is as well, since while the character's motivations are that of good person, he himself is directly part of the system that is even investigating him now. He is the patriarch of it, yet the system he leads and stands above remains as corrupt and thusly shows the complication of his character, while he himself is a good person as we can see, we have no idea his actions or intent beyond humans. Is the racist view of the non-humans shared from the top down, he becomes more grey, but if not, he becomes less grey, but is not white in the slightest by nature of our first introduction of the story being the church as an antagonistic entity.
They just monopolize the healing power, but if someone come to subduct them right now they will be helpless, where is the strong power/entity protecting them against revolts/wars?

Again, you're kinda having a weird omelette before the egg argument here. In a world where getting an infection is a death sentence and in general the most benign of injuries can either ruin your life or end it, the ability to heal is a great increase in life quality. Even if the healing magic of theirs is still surface level, just having that ability puts you on another tier of usefulness, especially amongst ruling elites. Their very power itself is a strong entity.

In a similar vein, just having money is not enough to guarantee you're protected or powerful. How you spend it, who you spend it too, where or when you spend it separates an arms dealer from a trustfund kid. There's also the fact that the healing power IS an innate power, it's not something learned unlike the medical practice of our MC. It's natural appitude means only a select few would ever be able to rise into that ruling ranks, and there is a vested interest IN keeping them safe AND keeping them on your side. They haven't HAD that problem because in this world's reasoning, there hasn't been THAT much of a threat to said power UNTIL now. And as we see, when there is censure is a potential response.
Not really, look how hard for the papal church to keep the dime for themselves in middle ages. For example the Holy Roman Empire was against a strengthening of the church's political power in the Empire...

And here your using a false dichomety of a specific irl historical part with this fantasy world. Yeah, no shit its not gonna be a hundred precent, but you using the false dichomety of the papal church during "the middle ages" which itself is a big fucking time span that doesn't include the HRE and the fact the HRE itself is an almost loose collection of indepenant states with varying degrees of religious autonmy itself pokes holes into the argument you make for yourself, with HRE being less of a centralized Emperor and more like the worst middle manager since many of the counties had high autonomy within their own territory.

Likewise, how is your point about a fight over resource being "not really". What are you trying to say there? That people, not just the church, have not fought over resources?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
Those comments finding this unrealistic have plainly not read any in-depth history.

This is VERY MUCH a realistic take on how some nations and religions have acted, and how some of both Still Do.

To state otherwise, or claim that it is unbelievable, is to deny quite a bit of the last Three Thousand years of human history. Humans have done almost exactly this within living memory, and in many cases there were not villages of people who hated the idea within their borders (conquered areas, maybe; within the nation itself? Not necessarily.)

This is well written, even if it's a little heavy-handed.
Jan 8, 2023
Those comments finding this unrealistic have plainly not read any in-depth history.
Hum who are you to say this? Sorry mister historian, but mixing power struggles from different periods is not realistic at all because the society doesn't reflect the same issues.
This is VERY MUCH a realistic take on how some nations and religions have acted
Not really showing just a part of the historic parts is not a realist.
the last Three Thousand years of human history
Not sure we are talking about the same periods because the strenghtening power and centralisation of the Church in Europe wasn't 300 years ago...
Humans have done almost exactly this within living memory
The problem is that the people are not from the same species so they don't have the same innate power/capacity. Right now humanity looks weak so they are afraid of the other species. I don't remember in our living memory discriminating other intelligent species with better capacities than us in certain domains.

You might have a weird idea of what "White" is as well, since while the character's motivations are that of good person, he himself is directly part of the system that is even investigating him now. He is the patriarch of it, yet the system he leads and stands above remains as corrupt and thusly shows the complication of his character, while he himself is a good person as we can see, we have no idea his actions or intent beyond humans.
Yes, it's different. For me right now this guy is at the top not by choice but because he has the most holy power. He doesn't really associate with them for me. I don't see the ambiguity for now in his place, like the chapter shows that he is so kind that he doesn't discriminate. :/ Maybe he knew the people who were cured would be on trouble, so it'd change his profile.
the ability to heal is a great increase in life quality. Even if the healing magic of theirs is still surface level, just having that ability puts you on another tier of usefulness, especially amongst ruling elites. Their very power itself is a strong entity.
Yes but they can't protect themselves why strong people didn't try to enslave them for example or to buy their service. Instead they build a powerful entity who is ruling the humanity (?). I don't understand well their history...

your using a false dichomety of a specific irl historical part with this fantasy world.
I was answering an irl historical fact used to explain a system in this fantasy world. How the church took some resources which at first meaned to nobles. The dime was intercepted by the church during the midle ages in Europe. And from this point, the church gained a lot of wealth and power. Because with money comes power. In every christian countries a hug mutation of the cities and power was seen. Big projects were built and a lot of people started coming to the cities to work... I will stop here because this is not a historical class and I am not couragous enough to start searching for sources and documents to support my words/this phenomenom.
the false dichomety of the papal church during "the middle ages" which itself is a big fucking time span that doesn't include the HRE and the fact the HRE itself
Sorry, in fact I was not clear/precise enough. After a strenghtening of their power, kings wanted to suppress their influence and gain more influence/resources at the same time. But it was much later. I don't think it was a good point to talk about it because it doesn't seem to have a clear link with the manga's universe.
Likewise, how is your point about a fight over resource being "not really". What are you trying to say there? That people, not just the church, have not fought over resources?
The problem in this last chapter is not a resource problem... The church doesn't try to gain more influence/resources, thye just discriminate the proletarian. And it looks like issues in rich countries' societies during the Victorian Era. How can the author choose to mixed these problems in society when historically speaking these periods and societies were totally different...

Well I tried to explain my point without being aggressive and by being the clearer possible... I think it's really interesting to see the influence they took from irl history and tried to create a complex society. However it doesn't look complex at all they missed the real depth of a real society. :thonk:
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2023
That guy healing up everyone in the slums is the arch bishop right? He looks pretty similar and has a pretty similar staff (or maybe they all use one of those I don't know). I'm betting hes the bishop but I guess he could be some good guy twin brother or something I dunno.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2019
Well I tried to explain my point without being aggressive and by being the clearer possible... I think it's really interesting to see the influence they took from irl history and tried to create a complex society. However it doesn't look complex at all they missed the real depth of a real society. :thonk:

Nah, most of the comments is just pointing out the inaccuracies and the false dichotomy you tried to make. Now its moved on from it being from a Manchien story to societal complexity when we've given you the exact answers you seek, but you continually just say "no, not really". You're also using a lot of these really catchy words when you've not even defined what part of this "society" isn't complex or indepth. This may especially be the case since the moment you do define it, somewhat will probably point how your definition wouldn't even be indepth enough.
You're trying to dig for gold, but you've already come upon silver, going any more indepth and you're asking for a story that's not even in the same scope or idea than what's the intial attempt its trying to show here.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2020
Anticipating this arc being that this guy somehow leaks details about holy water to Amami, and he recreates it / makes the formula/manufacturing method widespread.
Healing magic so far seems to be purely magic with effect replicable by science but not in the same way. So if the holy water he gave that girl is the real deal made with magic, and rule about healing magic being exclusively human race’s advantage is held by the author, then they will still need more healing mages to do it.

Amami is also a practicing doctor. His expertise would be in treating sickness. He can suggest simpler things such as distilling alcohol or making soap, but delicate subjects such as making medications should be beyond him. He probably will just look for alternatives just like with the anesthetic.
Unlike Pharma from Isekai Pharmacy who was medical researcher, so his expertise is on manufacturing drugs, but he need to relegate things like surgery to magic.
Jan 8, 2023
inaccuracies and the false dichotomy you tried to make
Maybe I'm inaccurate in describing what the plot looks like. But I'm not doing false dichotomy...
Also, the thing that you call my innacuracy is just how I analyse the human's society who was shown. The society doesn't look complex nor realistic nor with depht. The characters' personnality look flat that's why I was talking about Manichean story.
Now its moved on from it being from a Manchien story to societal complexity when we've given you the exact answers you seek, but you continually just say "no, not really".
The society is also Manichean, so it's not complex. What do you not understand in my comments, did I not connect my arguments well enough?
The not really part is me contesting irl "facts" in history. If you say the roman slaves were all poor I'd also say not really before explaining more the real situations of the slaves' status during the roman empire...

So, for you:
Not really
In history monopolizing resources and keeping the control over it and use the power of the monopoly was very hard. Every time if they wanted it to work they need an other power supporting them because it would also help them. But, here in this story the church is all alone. Even the merchant at the beginning is totally an outsider and is submitted. We didn't see another power, like nobles or aristocrats. The country look totally theological...
Not really
Simplying all the aspects of the society, without the context of the time period, and the power struggles happening and just keeping a spectrum of the events is not very much realistic. If it's not really the case what is it, not at all?

The problem in this last chapter is not a resource problem...
I can try to develop more, I wanted to use your answer but you just try discredit how I was argumenting.
The holy power to cure illness and all is not a resource. It's a service. The service need a resource to exist, here it is the people who have holy powers to heal people. Only humans can have holy powers, but how can you explain how the holy church is the only one capable to monopolize these resources/humans/services. It's not explained. It's just left unattended by letting us speculate : "Oh yes because the church has all the power and the money needed to be a hegemony and can't be threatened by other part of the human society".

My final words: I still don't understand why the other species didn't attack the church to stop this monopoly while them (at least in forest) live in harmony with the other species...
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2018
I don't remember in our living memory discriminating other intelligent species with better capacities than us in certain domains.
Not exactly correct.

To begin with, intelligence in psychology is only defined as one's problem-solving capacity, and every living being adapted to have this exact capacity to survive their habitats and fill their niches. So it can be said that any species better adapted to their environments than humans are more intelligent than humans are, and it did not stop humans from discriminating against literally any other species that is not Homo sapiens. There's a reason animal testing takes precedence to human testing in anything that could potentially be life-threatening.

Heck, we don't even have to talk about other species. We still have active racists in 2023, and we're still the same damn species.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I truly hate anyone who uses the name of God for their own greed, employing their religion as an excuse for selfish and self-serving actions, distorting teachings to suit their own agendas.

It is akin to thugs who exploit your money under the guise of security, which only manifests when they do not victimize you.

It is a completely lose-lose situation for you.
Aggregator gang
Sep 3, 2023
Oh my god, is that the Child Catcher? :kek:

Those comments finding this unrealistic have plainly not read any in-depth history.

This is VERY MUCH a realistic take on how some nations and religions have acted, and how some of both Still Do.

To state otherwise, or claim that it is unbelievable, is to deny quite a bit of the last Three Thousand years of human history. Humans have done almost exactly this within living memory, and in many cases there were not villages of people who hated the idea within their borders (conquered areas, maybe; within the nation itself? Not necessarily.)

This is well written, even if it's a little heavy-handed.
God forbid they find out about shudders historical prejudice.

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