The Last Human

Active member
Sep 24, 2018
@DiabolicalHaterAnonx Manga sites that are paid for are massively overpriced. There's nowhere that you can get a $5 a month membership and have access or something like that, it's just constant fees for every fucking chapter. The average person lives on just above minimum wage you utter bellend.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Limnir Which makes you entitled to free entertainment? wut? Besides, as I said, twice already... That's not the case here. By watching ONE ad, you can read one chapter on Mangatoon. Literally supporting them for 20 seconds of your own time that's not counting in free coupons they give each day. There are 0 reasons not to do it other than your own inconvenience.
Mar 6, 2019
Please message me if you guys know any titles like this on any website. I went on a website that was not mangatoon and read all current chapters. @DiabolicalHaterAnonx One video ad for one chapter? lmao hell no thats annoyin. Not trying to watch 43 minutes worth of video ads. If they combined chapters it'd be better. Even then there's sites without ads. (other than this good job Meraki Scans! I like you guys)
Mar 11, 2019
@Lund I know it may be bothersome, but it gives money to the author, if there's no money, the author will just have to cancel the series and find another work. On the other hand, if the series sell well the author will be able to continue working on this series and also create similar ones in the future.
Feb 11, 2019

The fundamental Problem with world wide licensing is, that it is done badly for the most part. Most of the time big corporations see a market that is working on it own and think "how can we get money out of this?". Saying the Author licensed it is fundamently wrong. There suddenly appear systems in which authors get cought up and most of the times its not the author or translator realy proffiting. its big business. Qidan ring any bells?

As soon as i had Netflix and Amazon Prime i 100% stopped any and all illegal filmwatchings. I cought buy a simple customer friendly service and get enough products included. As soon as i got a wage and had steam and steamsales and 3rd party distributors i stopped pirating games.

My problem is that i need 100 sites i have absolutely no clue who is behind them now if i want to read mangas and lightnovels that got licensed somewhere. if i need 30 minutes every day to manage all my accounts so i can read or watch or whatever afterwards i get crazy.

But okokok, maybe mangatoon ist better, maybe they do care for us? Well just a short research online reveals they do what ALL big bussines sgroups in this sector do. They build a paywall that looks small and then they hide everything. i have read of cases of 50 manga chapters getting split up into 120 and such cases for example. oh yes, its realy nice of them to offer us one add one chapter. Going with those numbres its 40 minutes instead of 17 minutes adds (worst case).

Then there is the question who IS mangatoon? well don't believe you get any information on the side at all. Oh wow there is someone called Jack with his whatsapp numbre listed under contacts, so modern, so wow. in most western countrys that would be illegal. Well anyway, the Internet knows everything. There are currently 3 big investment companys that pushed money into mangatoon. all three of them asian ofcourse and the amount is around 10.000.000 $. Why exactly does a small online manhua reading website that goes with supposedly cheap subscriptions and add watching payments need 10 million USD? Maybe becouse they want to do the same thing as Qidan? agressively buying licenses of unsuspecting creators being happy to get offered anything at all before turning said licenses into real big money? who knows who knows.

I love licensing, i love getting money and apreciation to the translators and authors. But this is not the way.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@menelmacil A lot of you are barking "I wish there was any way to support the author" once the way is provided, how many of you find excuses in it. It's very funny, to be frank. There is no right or wrong way, they own the English license to it, that's all there is to it.

Business is not a charity. Nobody is doing this out of sheer love they have for you. Neither is the author, Netflix, amazon prime, steam or mangatoon. Let's make that clear. They're all companies that have their minds set on profit. Does that mean you shouldn't support them? Fuck no. They legally own the license to do this series. If you want this series, and if you actually give a crap about supporting, which you clearly don't, otherwise you wouldn't be making excuses. Then you should be buying those paywalled chapters from them, or watching few seconds long ad to support.

That said, nobody here said that author licensed it. That said, different countries, have different laws and different ways about handling IP. What's true to one, might not be true to another, so I'm not going to go into that to avoid confusing you further.

What deals they exactly make, it's between them and the creators. And if the creators get screwed by the deal, that will still net them more $ than you reading on Mangadex.

Splitting of the chapters is a common practice for literally every single publisher in China. Which is not something I'm fond of, but, in order to keep the series up to date with China, it's something that's necessary to adapt.

Legally, no matter who owns the license, and no matter their practices, you should still be buying, because they legally have the rights to do it. And they're not small. They have multiple languages. Some on top of my head are: Indonesian, English, Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese... That said, Chinese rarely give exclusive licenses, which means, tomorrow Webcomics or Qidian and hell maybe you could out of your own good will pay for the license rights, for the translations and lastly publish it on Mangadex for free so that everybody can enjoy it on free website with no ads, and then maybe, if somebody kindly donates, you can forward that to the author.

That said, I've said all there is to say on this subject in the comments below, please don't tag me about it again. If you have problems supporting mangatoon or official releases in general, that's something that you have to deal with, or maybe contact that jack person, maybe he can help.
Oct 18, 2018
wow..its a crying shame they licensed it and took it away. what a shitty thing to do. I'm moving on I guess. At least Solo Leveling is still free
Oct 21, 2018
Good for the author, despite the method I'm glad he's getting ANYTHING out of his/her work. BUT "Mortals of the Doom"?!? "The Last Human" was a much better title.
BTW @DiabolicalHaterAnonx, is the Meraki Scans site getting updates as well? or you will stop after chapter 132?
Also, your avatar is really creepy. Had to check it twice cause I wasn't sure if it was moving or it wast just my imagination
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
The title is not something we had control over, we signed the deal once they were on chapter 20, and our translations are on their website since. Meaning from chapter 21 onwards.

Yes, you can read it on Meraki Scans website still, and you will be in the future as that's part of the deal we signed. However, I regardless urge you to read on Mangatoon.

And the avatar is from give it a chance, you might like it :)
Sep 17, 2018
The cover is very misleading. Story 8/10 Art 4/10

also theres more chapters in other websites
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 8, 2019
@Septem go to
official english link, linked in the description
they are at 110+ right know for this manga
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2019
wasn't there a policy change that allowed people to repost chapters if the original authors don't put them here?
Double-page supporter
Nov 2, 2018
Wierd.......... I swear there was more than 21 chapters cause I've saw its had updates before... But was waiting for awhile before I read it again . I came back now and theres 21 and its exactly where I left off... ????

"edit" Nevermind googles helped me out.. Starting to loose even more faith in mangadex :/
Feb 4, 2018

Not really mangadex fault here, this thread on reddit will explain what happen :

Tldr : Meraki Scan was jelly because MD staff didn't blamed a snipe, so they removed all of their chapters from here, now they can make more money clic on their site.
Group Leader
Aug 17, 2018
I'd still read from my trusted scanlators over some random snipers with ridiculous quality tbh.

I read a few sources from that reddit indicating that some new random groups are sniping over big-named groups to gain popularity over their names.
I say, "healthy competition", people.
Gain your fame through your quality.

I miss the old time when multiple scanlators doing the same title over countless manga reading site years ago.

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