The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - Ch. 13

May 21, 2018
Hate to say it but I bet the sister did it for her own means and not just to save Leslie
Dex-chan lover
Jul 16, 2018
Congrats, Eli, you are now merely somewhere between 99%-95% trash, instead of 100% like your dad. Keep up the good work, and one day you might become and actual decent human being!
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2018
Wow, is Eli actually developing a conscience or is she just plotting something?
Mar 9, 2019
Onii-Chan to the rescue uwu😭
Lol I’m so happy he saved her, people are saying Eli’s not so trash but she only saved her for selfish reasons😣
Feb 4, 2018
BEST DAD 2019.

Give him a award.

And actually, Eli is probably not naturally bad, unlike her parents. She was just raised to get everything and to hate her little disposable sister.
If Eli and Leslie positions were reversed since the beginning, maybe we would have a poor blonde heroine and a silver-hair arrogant bitch.

So yeah, just fuck the parents, they're the cause of everything.
Aggregator gang
Sep 25, 2018
I think you've got it backwards, if I'm right it's not that Eli suddenly became a good girl, it's just that she misunderstands many things in life and bases her actions on those misunderstandings. for one, Eli doesn't understand just how much her sister has been hurt by the family and thus thinks that Leslie just wants to leave, she doesn't realize that Leslie wants revenge. two, as far as I am aware, Eli doesn't know the whole incident that got Leslie burned was meant to be a human sacrifice ritual to transfer Leslie's at the time dormant power into HER. and more specific to this event (IF that was Eli and not the maid who overheard the master the night before) is that Eli thinks that if Leslie succeeds in hiding her powers and leaves then all Eli's problems will go away and she can just be the next family head like she's always been told she would be whereas if daddy finds out exactly how powerful Leslie really is he might just choose to drop Eli and give Leslie everything instead. (not sure which way he'd go on that honestly, but if Leslie is as powerful as I think she is, that would've definitely have been the best choice possible at a point before certain metaphorical bridges were burned...a bit too literally on the burned part)

Now, I'm looking forward to the marquis' face when he learns just how wrong things went, especially since this event will almost certainly move up the adoption time-frame, leaving him near certain Leslie has high level powers and without her there anymore to raise/sacrifice.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 8, 2018
@Siquall I'm not sure how much blame I would put on the mother though, she is definitely terrible and all, but she doesn't really have much say unlike the father, and all the abuse towards Leslie could from the start have been a way to desensitize the family so they don't hesitate or object with the sacrifice.
It doesn't excuse either the mother or Eli, but they are still miles apart from the lunatic of a father that actually hold the power in the family.
Mar 30, 2018
Beth is best oni-chan.

As for Eli, she is still pretty shitty to me. It's clear that she had tipped Beth off, solely for her benefit. She didn't want chance Les using her powers and stealing her spot in her garbage family.

I don't get what you mean. Eli and her mother stood by while Les was thrown into the fire in the first chapter. And it looked to me like she was wondering why they were taking so long to throw Les into the fire, rather than her wondering why their dragging Les. In the very next chapter she even threw a tantrum because Les didn't burn in the fire. Complaining that her powers are to weak to do anything.

Aggregator gang
Jun 21, 2018
Good job Marquis
I just hope the Duchess investigate the incident and found the main culprit is the Marquis and make the process for adoption faster
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
Always remember that these people are so far from what you would consider normal that they may as well be insane. Thats what insanity is after all, being dysfunctionally different. By our standards these people are crazy and therefore the logic they use will often be warped.
Feb 1, 2018
@Siquall Thanks! I was kinda baffled to see everyone forgetting that the sister is ALSO a child, who was badly mis-educated by their awful parents.

As far as I'm concerned, she's almost as much a victim as Leslie, one who got the good end of the deal, but a victim nonetheless. Her attitude in recent chapters confirms this: she's terrified, can only think that she'll lose everything, etc. She wouldn't be thinking like that if she was sure that her parents loved her.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Beth is going to be a good big brother to her, poor kid :c

And I guess her sister isn't completely irredeemable yet, I wonder if we will ever see her become a better person. I know she's only looking out for her for her own self interest but it is entirely possible she could've just let her die in that fire.

The marquis deserves a special kind of hell though.

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