The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - Ch. 14

Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
Honestly, I hope that Eli becomes a better person. And maybe receive a blessing of a power up after redeeming herself. While selfish in the reason she IS ensuring that the loli is safe.
Active member
Jan 24, 2018
@Tahaku If she could sacrifice her she would, but its impossible now so she took the next best option.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
Eli... you did good... but that's just one pint out of mega gallons of liquid sin what you did to your sister. With Duchess Salvadore here... well, a bloodbath will be ready.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
Everyone in that knight group is freaking HUGE!

Wonder if that last comment by the duchess was due to the mc only being three years younger, but half the size...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
Looks like the Duchess is poking for information by looking at their reactions. And it looks like Eli is well aware of the awful things her family does in the name of power and is rightfully terrified of switching places. Eli at least has room to grow as a character compared to her parents which means she might still remain sort of around.
Double-page supporter
Sep 26, 2018
@bradek well she does have fucked up parents that taught her to treat her sister badly and she is afraid they would sacrifice her instead.

Doesn't seem like she is past the point of deserving a chance to be able to redeem herself yet
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@Solaz : One idea that made me chuckle imagining it is like this:

Dad goes off deep end, try to put Eli in a fire trying to get her to awaken as much power as Leslie (this is after Leslie is adopted by Salvatores)
Eli either escaped or was about to get BBQ'd when the Salvatores came to save her, Bethrion leading the charge.

This resulted in Eli forming a tsundere crush on Bethrion, and use 'visiting Leslie' as excuse to go to Salvatores house to see him.
But Bethrion is oblivious to this romance thing and thus each time Eli try to switch conversation to Bethrion, he always talk about 'muh imouto da best' (Leslie), much to Eli's chagrin.
And Leslie who noticed Eli's feelings could only smile at these two's awkward path towards romance and try to welcome Eli whenever she's here for a visit to help her out (Eli being a tsundere might try to use 'I helped you with the carriage incident' to try and get Leslie to help her)

In a way, Leslie forming a cordial relation with her sister might give rest to the souls of the sacrificed children.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
You can't really blame a child of 15 for the sins of the parents. In this case especially she simply never had the chance to know better. She was just living life how she was told to live. Its sad and she might end up a terrible person but she's still only 15.

Her father likely had a similar upbringing going back through the family line.
Feb 16, 2018
Thank you for the new chapter, but I am sort of confused when Eli went downstairs. How does she know that Leslie reached out to the Salvatores for help? Didn't Eli just ask some knights that happened to be lead by a Salvatore so while it might not be out of the question that the Salvatores would shelter her for the time being when trying to figure things out, how could that be interpreted as Leslie specifically reaching out for them?

Also when the butler first addresses Eli that the Duchess had arrived, she referred to her father as "Your Father" to the butler so that may have been a mistranslation I think? Or is it the butler telling Eli to not bother her father?
Mar 29, 2019
That moment when Bethrion got pissed at those stupid hired helpers and said Leslie was his sister never made me stop smiling 😆
Double-page supporter
May 19, 2019
@StandardInfantry I think she just concluded that Leslie reached out to the Salvatores based on how they're the ones sheltering her after the event. While she probably doesn't know Leslie already reached out to them beforehand, this event should indicate that she is affiliated with them. Also that was probably a mistranslation.

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